669 : Little unicorn bone

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After taking the unicorn bones, Wen Qiao and the others went back to Auntie Hua's inn again.

Seeing them come back safely, Auntie Hua's eyes were squeezed together to make the boss abruptly, her face still full of disbelief.

Wen Qiao and the others didn't have a long time to enter the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion, and they only took one night, which was a superb speed.

It is morning, and Huangu Town seems to have fallen into deep sleep from waking up, and the bones that were trembling at night are now all quiet.

Wen Qiao said to Lady Hua: "Have you considered it?"

Auntie Hua looked at her seriously and asked, "Miss Wen, can you tell me what level of your current cultivation level is?"

Hearing her honorific name, I knew that Lady Hua had already guessed about Wen Qiao's cultivation.

Wen Qiao didn't hide her from her, "The cultivation base in the middle stage of the Yuansheng Realm."

But in terms of combat effectiveness, it is half the strength of the fairyland.

Shi Wuming added in his heart and couldn't help feeling that the Divine Sovereign Clan is such a race, they have a powerful body, they can challenge higher levels, and every level they advance, they can challenge a realm higher than themselves. Compared with the sword repair, which is known as the number one combat power, he did not do much.

Aunt Hua was a little stunned. She had never seen the Yuanshengjing Venerable. After all, most Yuanshengjing Venerables would instinctively taboo this place after seeing the mystery of Huangu Town, and would not dare to run over like Wen Qiao. So she didn't know whether the Yuansheng Realm was as powerful as Wen Qiao, and she dared to challenge the rules of Huanguzhen.

Leaving Huangu Town, who doesn't want to, they have been restrained in Huangu Town for too long.

Aunt Hua sighed, and then smiled, "Miss Wen, thank you."

Wen Qiao raised her eyebrows, a little surprised, "You don't want to leave?"

Aunt Hua shook her head, "I want to leave, but I can't! I was born in Huangu Town and grew up in Huangu Town until I have my own bone house... I am really familiar with Huangu Town. After I leave here, I don’t I know what I can do and whether the living rules of the outside world are suitable for me. And..." She lowered her eyes and stroked the counter made of white bones.

Even if they are cursed, they are still grateful to Huanguzhen who gave birth to them.

This is why the residents of Huangu Town are willing to stay in Huangu Town. Not everyone wants to leave Huangu Town at the expense of life like the former Teng Liniang.

Wen Qiao also remembered that Teng Liniang had died very violently. She didn't understand why Teng Liniang died suddenly. The people in Huangu Town also kept secret of her death, but now she understands a little bit.

Those who want to escape from Huangu Town have only death.

Aunt Hua is grateful to Huangu Town, and even if she yearns for the outside world, she is still willing to be bound here.

After leaving Huangu Town, the teacher couldn't help but sighed: "It's a pity."

"It's not a pity, it will always be good in the future." Wen Qiao said calmly.

"You really decided to help?" Shi Wuming looked at her in surprise, "This kind of thing is thankless, and you don't have to take it too seriously..."

Wen Qiao shook his head, "There will always be a way, but it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future!"

The teacher had no life and was silent immediately.

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