714 : Shi Family

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Shi Nanyan looked at the teacher's lifelessness in a word.

Don't tell lies so ridiculously. An immortal who ascended from the lower realm dared to claim to be the ancestor of their teacher's family. He said that he was a descendant of the teacher's family left behind in the lower realm.

This situation is also possible. After all, the origin of the master's family is untestable. Maybe Tianlian's master's family was also established by the immortals who ascended from the lower realm in the ancient times?

Master Wuming raised his eyebrows, "Why, don't you believe it?"

Isn't this normal? If you believe it is the brain problem, right? Shi Nanyan thought silently, without speaking.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou sat and watched, wanting to see how Master Wuming would explain.

The teacher had no life to put his hand on the shoulder of the teacher Nan Yan.

This is like a good move by the brothers, but where is it like the ancestor to the younger generation? Shi Nanyan couldn't help but looked at him sideways. When he found the cultivation base on his body, his face changed again.

If this is the ancestor, is it too weak?

An ancestor who was taken to dig black mines for a hundred years...

"Actually, it's normal if you don't believe it, but I'm really your ancestor." The teacher said without a word of heart. "The Three Realms war, and the creatures were overwhelmed. I don't know how many continents collapsed, and the fragments of the continents were left in the chaotic space. The mortal world and the fairy world.  There are all in the spirit world..."

"The place where I woke up was the Thirteenth Withered Bone Mansion. It used to be the Immortal Prison. Later, I met sister Aqiao and got her help from the Thirteenth Withered Bone Mansion, and started practicing, and finally rose up."

Shi Nanyan looked at him blankly.

"You, are you really the ancestor of our teacher's family?" he stammered.

The teacher patted him lifelessly with pity, "It's true, it's like a fake! If we don't believe it, we can trace the blood relationship and verify the relationship."

"Okay!" Shi Nanyan had a firm face. Their masters can't randomly recognize their ancestors, they must confirm it.

At the moment the two of them forced a drop of blood each, two drops of blood flew into the air, first you chased me, and then slowly began to merge, when the fusion was halfway, the blood that belonged to the teacher's lifelessness suddenly occupied the upper peak, Another drop of blood wrapped in, guiding that drop of blood into bloodshot eyes, constantly changing.

Everyone watched this scene intently.

Until the two drops of blood separated again, went to various places, and returned to the owner, the result was already out.

Shi Wuming is indeed the ancestor of the Shi family. His blood can guide the blood descendants of the Shi family and inspire certain talents of the blood descendants.

"Believe that I am your ancestor now?" Shi Wuming said with a smile.

Shi Nanyan nodded silently, then stood up and left.

He is going to be quiet and digest this matter.

Wen Qiao watched the poor Shi Nanyan, who was nearly shattered by his ancestors, and left, and asked the teacher, "Brother Shi, what is the relationship between Tianlian's teacher and you?"

The teacher has no life and did not hide it, "Tianlian Master's family is a side branch..."

Wen Qiao said, glanced at him, and didn't ask anything more.

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