749 : Gather other gods

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The other three gods emperors came first.

The god Emperor Yan in the south, the god Emperor Hao in the west, and the god Emperor Xuan in the center all came to the Dixu God Realm as soon as they got the news.

Before they came, they thought they would see a demon god who was so hostile and slaughtered the god of slaughter if he didn't agree with him.

Just as in the ancient times, the demon god suddenly set off the battle of the three realms and directly hit the spirit realm, countless gods carrying sins were slaughtered by the star sickle, and the gods fell. Even if they are the five emperors, they can only be equal to him if they unite, and it is impossible to win him.

Later, he was suppressed in the darkness of Wuyuan with the destiny disk, and after the spirits were thrown into reincarnation, they did not feel relieved.

Although Samsara can wash away the evil desires from him, they can't smooth out his hatred of suppressing him in the darkness of the abyss. As long as he is free from Samsara, when he kills the spirit world again, the spirit world may face disaster again.

So when they learned of the return of the Demon God, they were ready for the battle.

The demon god came to the spirit world faster than they thought, so fast that they did not have time to react. After receiving the news, they could only rush over in a hurry and decided that no matter how furious the demon god was then, they would first stabilize him. .

However, they did not expect to see such a demon.

He looked gentle and serene, radiant, if not for the white hair and dark eyes full of magical nature, they almost thought that the god in front of them was still the one in their memory that was directed by all directions and all things. Emperor Xi is a god, not a demon god who is corroded by evil desires.

The three gods were a little startled.

What made them even more incredible was that when the Demon God saw them, he just greeted them casually, and then he took the female fairy around him to step on the clouds and mine the heart stone.

Didn't put them in the eyes at all.

Where is the return of the said good Avengers? It is said that they will kill as soon as they meet?

The three gods watched the demon god leaving with a female fairy from the back, and they could see a young Jiu Ming Chaos Beast with nine tails and banging behind them.

I have never seen such a flattering appearance of the Jiu Ming Chaos Beast.

Then the three gods turned their heads to look at the emperor.

"Di Xu, what does he mean?" Di Yan Shenjun, who was more impatient, asked.

Dixu Shenjun spread his hands and said helplessly: "As you can see, he will accompany his little Taoist companion to mine the cloud heart stone..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, "Where did she come from?"

"I heard it was found during the reincarnation. It was originally a cultivator in the mortal world. He took her to ascend with her."

"Do you believe that?"

Facing the suspicion of the three god emperors, the god emperor did not say whether he believed each other or not, but said: "He said so, how do you make the emperor react?"

As a result, the three gods emperors also became silent.

Believe it or not, since the Demon God chooses to say that, they just don't allow them to talk too much, even if they question him, they are not afraid, it is a big deal.

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