662 : Go to Demon Abyss

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Wen Qiao was about to go to Demon Abyss to make trouble.

However, before setting off, the Master of the Saint Martial Hall must be ventilated, so as not to fight against the ancestor Fanyin, which may affect the safety of the Feng Devil Heaven, and these Yuan Sheng Jing lords must take action to calm them down.

When the Lord of the Holy Martial Palace heard about her coming, he had always been calm and self-contained, but the whole person was still shocked by her.

He asked with an incredulous look: "Miss Wen, you mean, you are going to the Demon Abyss and fight against that ancestor of the Demon Race?"

"It's not that I want to fight her." Wen Qiao corrected him, "This is just the worst result! If the ancestor of Fan Yin was reasonable and handed Di Ying to me, we would naturally not fight."

If Fan Yin refuses, it can only fight one game.

The Lord of Saint Martial Hall looked at her and wanted to ask, what is the difference? You are all hit by other people's Demon Abyss, so you really think that Fanyin is a talkative demon?

In fact, the Lord of the Saint Martial Hall has never seen Fan Yin. After all, his time to become a Master of the Primordial Saint Realm is too short. As Fan Yin, he will not easily appear in front of the world. It is said that even the demons who have seen her are rare, let alone. Speaking of foreigners.

Although he has not seen her before, he has heard about Fan Yin. Let’s not say that she possesses the arrogance peculiar to the Demon Race. The strength of the half-step fairyland is not something that the ordinary Primordial Saint Realm can deal with, Wen Qiao Just advanced to the Yuansheng Realm, facing the half-step fairyland, it is not enough to look at it.

Not to mention Wen Qiao, it was the Primordial Sage Realm in the Sealed Demon Heaven, and no one dared to say that he was able to retreat from Shang Fan.

Even if Wen Qiao is able to challenge beyond the ranks, it is still possible that he has never beaten the Immortal Realm. Half-Step Immortal Realm is not an exaggeration, but has cultivated a fairy body, how can it be comparable to the Primordial Saint Realm?

The Master of the Saint Martial Hall also knew the grievances between Wen Qiao and Di Ying.

He wanted to train Wen Qiao to be the successor of the Saint Martial Hall. He specifically inquired about her in the Saint Martial Continent. He also knew the grievances between her and Di Ying and the Lord of Demons, so she wanted to avenge her parents and relatives. wrong.

But if you directly face a half-step fairyland, it would be extremely unwise.

The Master of the Saint Martial Hall persuaded: "Miss Wen, Half-Step Immortal Realm is not something the ordinary Primordial Saint Realm can deal with. With the power of Half-Step Immortal Realm, it can even smash half of the Sealed Demon Realm..."

"I know, so don't I let you know first so that you can be prepared?"

The Lord of Saint Martial Hall almost didn't choke to death by these words.

He has never seen such a wayward girl since he entered the path of cultivation. As expected, the three-hundred-year-old Yuansheng Realm is indeed a small baby, who is not stable enough, and is not thoughtful enough to consider things. All by preference.

Finding that Wen Qiao had made up his mind to send him to death, the Saint Martial Hall Master almost couldn't hold back, and directly acted on her, leaving the people behind.

The reason why he didn't do it was because when he was about to do it, Wen Qiao suddenly glanced at him. It was this look that made the Master of the Holy Martial Palace palpitate, and the whole person was shocked.

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