703 : Star Pole Tree

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Although Wen Qiao wanted to return the tree core to the Star Pole Tree, it didn't make any more noise.

She was a little bit distressed, she still understood the importance of the tree core, the demon pill equivalent to the monster beast, if the tree core is lost, the star pole tree will wither and die sooner or later.

"Can you really take this thing back?" she asked again.

The surrounding leaves only moved slightly, the world was silent, and the voice did not ring again.

After a long while, Wen Qiao carefully took out a fairy jade box and put the tree core in it.

In fact, she knew in her heart that if it weren't for what happened, this star tree could not easily give her its core. Is the life of this tree coming to an end? Or is it injured and needs to place the tree core around the god emperor tree, and let the god emperor clan's talents and magical powers help it heal?

Wen Qiao guessed a lot, but there was no answer.

After giving up the core of the tree, the consciousness of this giant tree seemed to fall into a deep sleep, no matter how Wen Qiao called it, it didn't make a sound.

Wen Qiao sat on the tree for a while, staring at the twinkling light among the overlapping leaves, slightly lost in her mind, not knowing what she was thinking, until something fell on the ground, she looked over and saw what fell on the ground. A branch, the starlight between the leaves gradually became dimmed because it separated from the main branch.

Until this moment, she finally determined that something happened to this star-pole tree.

Wen Qiao leaped down from the tree and stooped to pick up the fallen branches.

The spot of light jumps on the leaf veins. The light on each leaf is not obvious. When the leaves overlap each other, the light will shine, changing from the light of dust to the light of fireflies, and then from fireflies. The light becomes a dazzling starlight.

Tap the light glowing between the leaves, Wen Qiao said to the silent giant tree: "I will rebuild the heavenly building in the future, although I will be the only one left by the emperor, and I can only wrong your tree core. It’s planted in the Heavenly Building God's Garden, but I will try to protect it, so don’t have any trouble...

The sound gradually dissipated in the quiet space.

Wen Qiao stayed in the Star Pole Space for a while before leaving.

The way to leave is very simple, just turn back along the way, but when she stepped out of the astral space, she found that the road behind her gradually disappeared into the darkness, and the moonlight flowers that illuminate the road along the way with her feet were withered, as if she had run out of life. And it's like falling into a reincarnation.

She felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably, even if the old trees around her gave her that kind atmosphere, she couldn't lift her energy.

Until the road behind him completely disappeared, Wen Qiao found himself appearing in the dense forest that she had stepped in earlier.

She picked a big tree one hundred feet high with a clean tree hole in it. She nestled in the tree hole and began to silently daze.

I don't know how long she was in a daze, when suddenly a deafening roar came from the beast, the dense forest vibrated, and the sound of clattering awakened her.

Wen Qiao leaped up to the treetops and looked towards the source of the sound, and found a small wave of beasts rushing here, rampaging, and many immortals who were chased by the beasts were knocked into flight by them, knowing whether they were alive or dead.

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