663 : Yan Yi

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Hearing Wen Qiao's words, not only Yan Zhao was silent, but the surrounding demons who were spying from a distance also remained silent.

They looked at Wen Qiao's eyes as if they were looking at a fool.

Doesn't she know what strength the ancestor Fanyin has in Fengdemon Tianyu? If she knows, she still insists on seeing the ancestor Fanyin, is she living impatiently, or is she dependent on it?

The person who can cultivate to the Primordial Saint Realm is naturally not a fool, nor does it feel impatient to live, and he is dependent on it.

Yan Zhao thought that he would not be able to perform a trick under Wen Qiao, and he knew that although this person was a newly promoted Primordial Saint Realm, he would not dare to underestimate him in terms of combat effectiveness. She is different from many Primordial Saint Realms, there may be something to rely on, otherwise it is impossible to hit the Demon Abyss alone.

He lowered his eyes and said: "The ancestor is in the depths of the Demon Abyss. If you want to see her, wait for me to let me know."

Since he was in the land of the demon clan, he naturally followed the rules of the demon clan, Wen Qiao responded readily and released Yan Zhao to release his control.

After regaining his freedom, Yan Zhao did nothing more.

Since they couldn't beat the opponent, doing other small actions seemed to be too small for the demons, and they naturally wouldn't do things that make people laugh at jokes. In addition, they don't believe that when Wen Qiao hits the Demon Abyss, those old ancestors will be indifferent, maybe those old ancestors of Yuansheng realm must be peeping in secret, ready to take action at any time.

Of course, the Demon Clan’s Primordial Sacred Realm is not only Yan Zhao alone, but when it is not necessary, not all of them will be shot.

Just like this time only Wen Qiao came up, and only Yan Zhao came forward, the Lower Realm has a customary rule. If it is necessary, the Primordial Saint Realm will not attack easily, so as not to cause damage to the Lower Realm and assume unnecessary cause and effect.

This rule is also applicable to the Fengmo Tianyu.

After Yan Zhao Chuanyin asked the Mozu to notify the ancestors of Sanskrit, he guarded with a calm face.

Wen Qiao stood at the entrance of the Demon Abyss, standing with his hands under his hands, also not in a hurry, no one could see anything from that exquisite and grand face.

Soon after, the ancestor Fanyin's voice came from the depths of the Demon Abyss: "Let her come in."

This sound seemed to vibrate in the huge Demon Abyss, and all the Demon Races could hear it, and Wen Qiao, who was guarding the entrance of the Demon Abyss, naturally heard it.

She raised her eyebrows slightly without shrinking, and when Yan Zhao raised her hand, she stepped into the Demon Abyss.

The Demon Race guarding around the entrance of the Demon Abyss watched Wen Qiao enter. This was the first time that a human race stepped into the Demon Abyss in such a fair manner, because those people and ghosts were jealous of the old Fan Yin who sat in the depths of the Demon Abyss. Ancestor, no one would be so stupid as to run to the Demon Abyss, and would make a special detour when passing by.

However, as long as you think of the presence of the Fanyin ancestor, this person will not be able to set off any storms, and the demons present will feel relieved.

There are even many demons who think Wen Qiao is stupid, and even dared to see the ancestor Fanyin alone, without knowing who gave her the courage.

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