656 : Retreat

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After returning to Shengwu Island, Wen Qiao was about to retreat.

Wen Tutu and they all knew that she had obtained a bead that sealed the power of the fairy in the fairy tomb this time. If she could refine it, her cultivation level would surely be able to raise a great realm, and even the Yuansheng realm would be just around the corner.

Several beasts were suddenly surprised, and they looked forward to their cultivation after Wen Qiao exited the customs.

Wen Qiao was also worried about this group of partners. She took out the bright red bead and motioned to them all to come and try to see how well they fit with the power in the bead.

"I don't need it anymore, I definitely don't fit." Shi Wuming refused directly, as if he didn't want to suffer that sin.

Little Phoenix was very curious, and tweeted, his little wings swept over, and then flew upside down like a ball. If it weren't for the king-level formation in the cave, I'm afraid the entire ball of the little Phoenix would crash into the Xiaoling Peak where they lived.

Seeing the end of Little Phoenix, Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun instantly lost their thoughts.

Sure enough, it was something that sealed the power of the fairy, and it was not something ordinary people could touch.

Finally, with Wen Qiao's insistence, Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun both tried carefully.

It's just that they feel a repulsive force before they get close, knowing that the force in this bead doesn't fit them, and if they make contact forcibly, they will definitely burst into death.

Little Qilin also looked at it curiously. Now it only has the primordial spirit. Even if it has the beads that seal the power of the immortal, it can't be used by itself, so it has no idea about the beads.

After slipping through it and discovering that they didn't fit in, Wen Qiao refused to let them have some good intentions, and refined them in retreat.

After Wen Qiao was in retreat, Ning Yuzhou and their lives suddenly became boring.

Of course, Ning Yuzhou is not boring, he still has many things to do, he can refine alchemy, refine tools, draw talisman, refine formations, and he is extremely busy.

In contrast, smelling a few rabbits seems to have nothing to do.

In the past, they were all under the leadership of Wen Qiao, either to fight the situation, or to go out to do tasks, and they could find things to do at all times. To them, Wen Qiao was like the backbone. Now that the backbone is absent, she suddenly didn't know what to do.

How about going to retreat?

"Why don't we go to other spirit islands?" Shi Wuming suggested.

Wen Tutu hesitated, "What if we are out for too long and miss my sister's exit?"

"No!" Shi Wuming said confidently, "With the power in the beads, it is estimated that Sister A Qiao will have to refine it for decades, or even hundreds of years, before it can be refined."

"So long?" Wentutu suddenly startled.

Master Wuming's eyes looked at them as if he was looking at a dumpling, "What do you think the power of the fairy is? Is the power left by the fairy so refined? Don't be inherited by the demons and ghosts in the tomb of the fairy. They are deceived because their aptitude and understanding are not good, so they can only refine some power, and they waste everything else."

If Ling Jue and Guihua were here, they might have to get angry again, it would be very powerful to get the inheritance.

"Look at the Lord of the Holy Martial Hall. When he was passed on by the immortal, he directly entered the secret realm opened by the immortal and was able to cultivate in the secret for two hundred years. When he returned, he was in the Primordial Holy Realm."

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