Chapter 1 - Leaving

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I sat at the departure lounge of the airport with a book in my hand and a duffel bag sitting beside my chair. I was reading Don Quixote when breaking news flashed on the T.V. and the newslady began to report on the latest "gossip".

It has been reported that the Dominion Corporation is facing multiple lawsuits and has been under investigation by the State of New York. Last night, after on-going investigation and heavy surveillance by local jurisdiction, the company has been tried and the Dom-Corp case has come to a close. CEO Elizabeth Summers, who has been detained for the last few months after being tried for embezzlement, is now being charged for tax evasion and money laundering along with the embezzlement and a few other things that is currently confidential.

I frowned as I continued listening to the reporter.

CEO Summers has pleaded guilty of all charges and sentenced to 45 years in prison under these charges. Last night, the Dominion Corporation has filed for bankruptcy, and this morning, the newly appointed CEO, Dr. William Stevens, announced that Dominion Corporation would be closing down. Whether it is permanent or not was unclear, however, CEO Stevens apologizes to those who have been affected by the scandal and ensures that the company will do everything in its power to compensate its victims justly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. All those people were good for were honeyed words and false promises, much like my mother. I grimace.

I couldn't say I was close to my mom. Since my dad divorced and walked out on us when I was 7, my family hadn't been the same since. Dad ran off with his mistress and was probably on some island, living it up, and my mom drowned herself in work and the occasional fling. While they were out living their lives, I was at home trying to figure out mine. All alone.....

I sighed. Minutes later, the bell at my gate rung, letting those waiting that the plane had arrived and was ready to board. Getting out my ticket, I grabbed my things and greeted the flight agent. With a smile, she scanned it and gave me my receipt before ushering me down the terminal.

I chose to ride economy class, wanting to remain as low-key as possible. While I wasn't as well known as my mother, the elite circle in New York knew me and I'm sure there are pictures of me floating around on the internet somewhere with my mother. Seeing how big the scandal has blown up, I wouldn't put it pass the press to turn their lens on me. At least my mother was smart enough to keep our address anonymous. It's hard enough dealing with paparazzi that like to hide out near my school.

Once I was settled in, I grabbed my phone and went through my notifications. Instantly, my message box was blown up with over 100 messages. I clicked on the class group and began to scroll through them one by one. I became more and more annoyed each minute I sat there reading the chat. When I was done, I cut my phone off and closed my eyes.

I knew my "friends" were pretentious but I didn't think they'd be so shady and sharp-tongued. I can only imagine the mocking looks their sending me from across the screen.

I sigh again and look out the window as the plane prepares to run down the runway. Perhaps it was best that I leave and lay low for a while. I didn't know exactly what my mother was involved in but whatever it was, it must be bad for her to secretly arrange for me to live with my estranged grandmother in the middle of no where. A sense of uneasiness filled my heart as I stare back at the place I've always called home.

Despite of our strained relationship, I hoped she would be okay. She was the only person I had left after all....

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