Chapter 97

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I take my time riding my bike back to the Swan house.

When I get there, I park it on the side of the house and follow the walkway.

I find the house key under the plant pot and let myself in.

The first thing I do is sit at the table to do my homework.

Bella came home shortly after I got here.

She silently walks up the stairs and goes to her room, closing the door behind her.

The usual.

After homework, I clean up then start on dinner.

I make steak, mashed potatoes, corn, and broccoli for Chief Swan and a marinated pepper pasta for Bella.

I fix a plate for myself and Charlie and put his plate in the oven. I place the leftovers in containers and stow them in the refrigerator.

I eat my dinner first before taking Bella her food.

When I get to the door, I knock.

I don't get a reply at first.

After knocking a third time, she finally answers.

"Who is it?" she says.

"Liz." I reply.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Dinner." I say and I sit the tray on the floor. "It's at the door."

I walk away and go downstairs to get my bag before running up to the bathroom.

Once I take my shower and put on my pjs, I go back downstairs and wait for my ride.

Minutes later I hear a honk outside.

I take my things and head out the door. I make sure to lock up the house before making my way to the passenger seat of the car.

"Ready for a super awesome slumber party?" Sam grins at me after I shut the door.

I glance over at her.

"Sure." I reply.

"Oh, come on!" She complains. "You have to show more enthusiasm then that!"

I look at her.

"You're so excited, but don't seem to be in a rush to get there." I reply. "Don't you see the hypocrisy?"

She glares at me and drives off from the house.

"You really need to lighten up." She sulks in her seat. "You should be happy to hang out with your friends."

"I am." I say.

"You have weird way of showing it." She says.

"It's on the inside." I look out the window.

The car falls into a brief silence.

"Are we still friends?" Sam asks softly.

I look at her from the corner of my eye.

"What do you mean?" I say.

She doesn't reply.

The ride to Chloe's house is quiet.

When Sam parks the car, she doesn't get out.

As I'm about to open the door, she grabs my hand, stopping me.

"We need to talk." she says.

I look at her silently.

I knew very well what she wanted to talk about and I feel my palms sweat.

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