Chapter 79 - Hearts Cry

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Iris' Dream

Iris was sitting near a lake.

There was a small waterfall and everything was surrounded by green vegetation. The water beautiful and clean. The sun brightened the place perfectly and wasn't overwhelming.

"Cannonball!" someone yelled, grabbing her attention.

A large figure dropped into the lake, making a large splash and big waves.

They disappeared under the water before coming back up.

Gold eyes stared up at me with a familiar boyish grin.

"You guys should come on in!" he splashed around the water. "The water's perfect!"

"Don't come over without a towel." the voice was angelic even though it was scolding.

Iris turned around to find a blonde goddess standing behind her in a name brand pair of shorts, a white V-neck shirt, and a grey blazer.

Bright, gold eyes met hers and a breath-taking smile appeared on her heavenly face.

Iris breath hitched and she could feel her heart beating out of her chest.

The sound of water splashing snapped her out her daze and she turned to find the man walking out of the water.

He was like a God.

He was pure muscle and it fitted his body like armor. His bulk made him look powerful and robust like war general. Every part of him was defined, well-built, and perfectly curved that was even more visible without clothing. The only thing he wore was a pair of boxer that now clung to his body, unable to hide his bulge.

Iris' face flushed and she quickly looked up at his face.

His face was handsome and boyish with features as defined as his body. Water seductively rolled down his chiseled chin, down his neck and barrel chest.

She quickly looked away as he fell down his abs, closer to his waist.

Her face felt hot and she turned around to hide.

"Someone's shy." the woman teased.

Iris felt herself be pulled into a cold body.

She buried her face into something soft and blushed harder when she realized what it was.

"Your heart is racing." she said.

Cold fingers began to run through hair, and Iris slowly began to relax.

"Are you hungry?" she asked her.

At that moment, Iris' stomach growled and she blushed.

She buried her face further into her chest, not realizing her red ears had been exposed by the movement.

At seeing this, the woman laughed, making Iris' heart flutter.

"Emmett is right." she chuckled. "You are cute."

Her words grated Iris' nerves and she pulled away from the woman.

"I'm not cute." she glared at her.

"Then are you ugly?" the woman said with an amused smile.

"Who's ugly?" Iris said angrily, feeling indignant. "You're ugly. You're whole family is ugly."

The blonde laughed, not taking it heart.

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