Chapter 44 - Surprise

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I sat in class bored. 

Looking at the course syllabus that was handed out Monday, I huffed. I already knew most of the stuff. 

This must be how the Cullens feel repeating high school. What a drag.

The lesson was a haze. 

I spent my time wandering my mind until the bell rung. 

I stood up slowly and grabbed my bag from the side of my desk. I was going to have to ask for a schedule change. I'll probably get another study hall period. 

Maybe I should try taking French. Learning another language wouldn't hurt.

I casually made my way to the front office. 

I spoke with the secretary to set up an appointment with my guidance counsellor. I'll be meeting with her next Monday morning.

After my visit to the front office, I made my way to parking lot, prepared to go home. 

As I walked to my parking spot, I saw two people standing there I wasn't expecting to see. A rush of excitement filled me and I dashed in their direction. They must have heard me coming because they both turned around to face me. 

I launched myself into Emmett's arms, making him laugh happily as he held me. Hearing his laughter, I felt butterflies in my stomach. When I finally looked up at him, it was like I was in a trance. My body moved on it's own accord as my arms moved around his neck and I brought my face up to meet his. 

Suddenly, my lips were on his, shocking the both of us.

When I realized what I was doing, I tried to pull away only to be pulled back. 

He was very gentle yet firm and I head began to spin. He finally let me go and I exhaled deeply. 

I barely notice with my feet hit the ground and I felt my face heat up.

Before I could recollect myself, I was pulled into another kiss. I inhaled the scent of strawberries and cherry blossoms and knew who it was. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before she pulled away. 

My face had gotten hotter and my hand flew up to my mouth. My body was trembling and my mind struggled to process what just happened.

"It seems like we were missed." I hear Emmett say.

"If this what we going to get, maybe we should go on vacation more often." Rosalie teased.

"Maybe we'll get something more next time." Emmett said suggestively.

My eyes went wide and I blushed harder. 

I placed my hands on my cheeks and hid my face. 

This was so embarrassing! I can't believe I just did that! 

I wish the ground could just swallow me up. 

My heart was beating out of my chest and my mind was running a thousand miles an hour.

"Stop." Rosalie hit his shoulder. "You're scaring her."

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and my body stiffened. I couldn't even face them without becoming a blushing mess.

"We missed you, too, cupcake." Rose said, kissing my head.

"W-When did you guys get back?" I stammered, my voice sounding muffled.

"We got back today." Emmett grinned. "We wanted to see you first before going home."

My heart was touched by that. 

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