Chapter 43 - Senior Year

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I sighed as I parked my car in the parking lot. 

The first day of school came in a blink of an eye. Goodbye sleep and vacations and hello school work. 

I took out my schedule and looked at it. Instead of graduating early, I decided to stay for extra credits. Plus, I wanted to graduate with my friends.

- FHS Bell Schedule -

Period 1 | Economics

Period 2 | AP World History

Period 3 | AP Physics 2

Period 4 | Art

Lunch Period

Period 5 | AP Latin

Period 6 | AP Psychology

Period 7 | Study Hall

Period 8 | Introduction to Mechanics

I was a little annoyed at the last one. 

The schools STEM courses stopped at computer science principles, a class I took last year. They also didn't have a wide selection of AP classes to take unlike my previous school. 

Good thing I took most of my AP courses before I came here. It would be so boring had I not.

I finally got out the car, slinging my book bag on my shoulder. I had five minutes to get the class and I didn't want to be late on the first day for a second time. 

I fixed the beanie on top of my head and entered the school building.

As soon as I got to class, I took a seat and waited for the teacher to begin class. 

Before the bell rung, Edward walked into the room, much to my surprise. He looked around the classroom and his eyes rested on me. With a small smirk, he made his way over to the desk next to me. 

I glance at him then look elsewhere, pretending he wasn't there. 

We barely talked so I didn't see a point in trying to start a conversation.

"Iris." he greeted.

"Just call me Liz." I replied.

"Okay, Liz." he said with a hint of sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Is there something you need?" I questioned.

"Can't I just talk to you?" he asked.

I didn't reply. 

The bell rung and class begun. 

The teacher wrote his name and introduced himself as usual. Afterwards, each student had to stand up and introduce themselves and tell the class at least three things about themselves. I dreaded it, but did it nonetheless.

Once introductions were over, the course syllabus was passed out and the teacher walk-through it with us to make sure we understood it. He talked about what we would be learning throughout the course, then had us write about what we thought economics was and what we knew about it. It would be our exit slip for today. 

I was working on my task quietly when Edward started bugging me again.

"Do you have a problem with me?" he asked.

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