Chapter 63

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I didn't come out my room for a whole week.

I didn't eat. I barely slept. I didn't even bother getting up out the bed.

My grandmother tried to talk to me, but I didn't respond. 

I only stared up at the ceiling with a blank expression on my face. I felt like a shell of my former self. I've never felt so hallow.

Today, I forced myself out of bed and got in the shower. 

No matter how I felt, I knew I had to get myself together. If not for myself, then for my grandmother. She didn't deserve to be treated the way I've been treating her and she still needed me. I couldn't let her suffer because I was suffering. It wasn't fair to her.

I got ready for school mechanically. 

My eyes were empty and my face had sunken in a little from not eating. Dark rings circled my eyes and I was skinnier than before. With my unkempt hair, I looked like something that stepped out of a horror movie.

"Good morning, sweetheart." my grandmother greeted when she finally saw me.

"Good morning, grandma." I said dully as I walked toward the door.

"You don't want any breakfast?" she asked with concern.

"I'm late for school, grandma." I dismissed her. "I'll eat lunch at school."

"Iris-" she started.

"Have a good day, grandma." I interrupted. "I'll see you when I get home."

And with that, I walked out the house, locking the door behind me. 

I jumped in the car and pull out of the drive way. I drove slow today, adding an extra six minutes to the normal 7 minute trip. 

As I pull in the student parking lot, I hear the bell for third period ring.

I get out my car and walk inside the building slowly. 

After going by the attendance office, I take my tardy slip and drag my feet to physics. When the teacher saw me, she was prepared to scold me until she saw my appearance. 

She frowned in confusion and concern. She gave me a look over before turning away.

"Just have a seat, Iris." she said before returning to her lecture.

I do as she says. 

Ignoring the looks from my classmates, I make my way to the back row and have a seat. I couldn't even pay attention to the lesson, a rare occurrence to me. Thankfully, teacher hadn't bothered me today. I would have been lost if she had.

The next two periods go by blankly. 

I don't remember much. I just allowed my body to carry me in and out of class, one class to the next. I was like a ghost.

I drug my feet to lunch. 

As much as I didn't want to see my friends, I knew I couldn't avoid them forever. Walking into the lunchroom, I went straight to the lunch bar. I grabbed a few things, knowing I won't eat much before heading over to our usual table.

"Hey, Li-oh my god, what happened to you?!" Sam exclaimed as soon as she saw.

At her yelling, nearly everyone in the cafeteria turned to me. 

I glared at Sam before quickly taking a seat at the table, wishing I could disappear inside my jacket. 

Damn her and her loud mouth.

"You look like shit." Grace commented with a frown.

"Thanks for noticing." I sneered at her before turning to Sam. "Do you have to be so loud?"

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