Chapter 66 - Gone

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I didn't even want to open my eyes this time. 

For once in my life, I didn't want to face my sad reality. 

But the need for confirmation was nagging my conscious. I needed to know the truth. Even if it kills me.

My eyes slowly open. 

I'm met with the same blurry ceiling I encountered the last two times. I don't move for a moment. 

Moments later, I fumbled around for my glasses again and put them on once I find them. I blink a few times to adjust to the new clarity before looking around. The room was still cold and empty. 

I glanced at the window and see that it's nighttime. I've been asleep for quite some time.

Coincidentally, the door open and Dr. Lee entered the room. 

She looked surprised to see me up, but also relieved. She silently walked over and began checking my vitals. 

I only stared ahead as she did so.

"She's dead, isn't she." I suddenly said.

Dr. Lee paused and looked down at me. 

I turned to look her in the eye.

"My grandmother....she's gone." I repeated.

Dr. Lee pursed her lips. 

We stared at each other for a while before she sighed and looked over my IV bag.

"Mrs. Summers passed away at 10:45 pm, Monday, September 23, 2008." Dr. Lee announced before looking at me again. "She was already dead for 3 hours by the time the ambulance got there. We believe she died in her sleep."

I didn't respond.

I clutched the sheets and my hands shook. 

Tears rolled down my face, but I remained silent. 

It was true. One of my worst nightmares had come true. 

I knew my grandmother didn't have long to live. She had close to a decade at best. And during that time, I wanted to spend time with her and make up for the time we lost together.

I know I said I was going away for college, but what no one knew was that I was planning to get my grandmother out of this town. I wanted to her leave with me and see the world for herself. I wanted to see the awe on her face as she saw the Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower.

Unfortunately, before I could do all of that, death had claimed her. The worst part was I didn't get to tell her how much I loved nor was I there in her last moments. She died alone.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me into their chest. 

I just sat there and cried. 

I felt like all the life in me was being sucked dry and I felt dead inside. 

When the tears finally stopped, I stared into space in a daze. I felt a piece of tissue wipe across my cheeks and under my eyes. A gentle hand rubbed my back in comfort.

"Dr. Lee, the morgue just called. They still need-" the nurse said as he barged into the room.

When he saw me, he froze. 

Dr. Lee sent him a look before looking at me with worry. 

I didn't respond and just stared at the nurse in front of me.

"I-I'm sorry." the nurse said, getting flustered. "I'll come back-"

"What do they I need?" I spoke up with a hoarse voice.

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