Chapter 57 - Bella's Birthday Disaster | Part 2

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We arrive at their house two hours before the celebration start time. 

We would be gifting presents at 7:00.

Parking the car in the garage, we entered the house through the man door. We went to living room where everyone else was waiting. 

Alice looked like she was going to blow her fuse.

"Where did you guys go? You were supposed to be here hours ago." she fired.

"I was hungry." I said with a straight face. "I went to eat."

"You ate two hours before." she scowled. "Esme could have fixed you something."

"Lunch wasn't very fulfilling." I shrugged my shoulders. "And I wanted to eat out. You got a problem with that, pixie?"

"Yes I do." Alice argued. "You may not care about this party, but its very important to us. We're including you because you're a close friend and practically family. So get off your high horse and stop being so grumpy, you grinch."

I narrowed my eyes at her. I could hear the others stifling their laughter.

"So what if I'm grumpy." I scowled. "I didn't appreciate you forcing me out of school for something so trivial. So you explain why I shouldn't be mad, you little troll."

"It's only one class!" Alice exclaimed. "It's not like you can't make it up. You're making a big deal out of nothing!"

"It maybe nothing to you but it is for me." I snapped. 

"And I don't appreciate you thinking you have the right to tell me what to do. If I said I was coming after, that's what I meant. I don't need you feeling you have some power of over me because of who or what you are. I mean what I say. I don't care if you accept it or not."

"Okay girls, that's enough." Esme intervened.

"Leave my emotions alone, Jasper." I snapped my head toward his direction.

"Iris-" Emmett grabbed my arm.

"I need some air." I dismissed him and walked away.

No one came after me. Perfect.

I stepped out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing. I took a deep breath.

I knew I was probably overreacting. Despite of how much Alice annoyed me, I knew that she was only being friendly. I knew she was just trying to make me feel welcome and even integrate me into the family more.

When she joked about taking carrying me out of school, it was innocent. However, a part of me was triggered.

For most of my life, it's never been my own. 

Before my parents divorce, despite of being a happy child, I was being conditioned to take over the family business. Everything that I've done, up to this point, has been grooming me to take my father's place.

I didn't understand it as child, but I wanted to make my parents to be happy and proud of me. I was obedient and learned everything I was taught to the best of my ability. 

After their divorce, that happiness faded and the house became colder. I was still being equipped as the heiress, however, it no longer felt the same. I became unhappy and my education became more strict. I wanted it all to stop.

But I had this crazy notion in my head that maybe if I did well and fulfilled the duty given to me, my parents would get back together and be happy again. So I worked hard and remained obedient. I made sure to excel and everything I did, and accepted nothing less than. I wanted them to see how outstanding I was and how I could exceed pass their standards.

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