Chapter 124

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I pull up to the sleek house I once admired.

I park my car and sit inside for a moment.

I go into my glove compartment and pop a pill before getting out.

I see Bella's truck on the other side of the yard and it gives me a bigger migraine.

I hope my high kicks in soon.

When I reach the door, it suddenly opens and I'm greeted by Emmett.

"Emmett." I say.

"Liz." He offers me a small smile. "Come on in."

I nod and step inside.

Emmett closes the door behind me.

I let him take the lead and follow him to the den where everyone was waiting.

"Liz." Esme is the first to greet me. "It's good to see you."

She looks like she wants to say more but doesn't.

Carlisle rubs her shoulder.

"Ms. Collins." He greets with a small smile. "It's a pleasure to see you as always."

"I can't say the same, doc." I take the furthest seat from everyone.

Rosalie frowns and her and Emmett share a look.

"Alright." I cross my legs. "What do you have? I only have a few minutes to spare."

"We haven't found her yet." Edward is the first to speak.

"Rather we haven't caught her." Jasper speaks up. "Every time we pin her, she disappears."

"So no new leads?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Alice." Edward looks at his sister.

Alice shakes her head and doesn't look at me.

I roll my eyes.

I don't have time for this.

"We suspect that Paris may be working with someone." Emmett says quickly.

I look at him as I stand, prepared to leave.

"Victoria has been we've been trying to track her." He continues. "We suspect that she is connected to the recent missings in Seattle."

"Victoria?" I say in confusion.

The Cullens all share looks with each other, annoying me.

Being the main protagonist of the situation, Edward feels me in on this Victoria person and the their recent history with the vampire.

I glance at Bella at the knowledge that the vampire was after her.

This girl is nothing but trouble, huh.

How pitiful that must be.

I listen to the story attentively, taking in all the details.

When they finish, everything seemed to make sense.

If their speculating that Victoria is behind the missing person cases and may be responsible for turning Paris, it begs the question: did she turn any  of the others?

And I ask them.

"We haven't seen any other evidence of vampire in the area." Rosalie shakes her head.

"Where have you searched?" I ask.

"Everywhere." She says.

"Are you sure?" I raise an eyebrow.

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