Chapter 33 - Picnic

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Emmett's POV


I sat on the kitchen counter with an apple in my hand, tossing it about. 

Not to far from me, was Rosalie who was slicing fruit and placing them in a fancy box. Esme was beside her making sandwiches. 

I glanced at the time and saw that it was 11:15 in the morning.

"So what time is she supposed to be coming over?" Esme asked.

"Around noon." Rosalie answered.

"Does she know about the plan you have for her?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"No." I grinned. "It's going to be a surprise."

Esme grinned as well. 

"I'm sure she'll like it." she replied.

"You think?" Rosalie scoffed.

"If there's food involved, Iris will love it." Emmett laughed.

Esme giggled while Rose shook her head. 

Placing the apple on the counter, I jumped down and made my way to Rosalie. I wrapped arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. She smiled as I pecked her on the cheek.

"You mind asking Bella if she'd like anything?" Esme asked with a smile on her face.

"Sure thing, mom." I replied, releasing Rose.

I placed another kiss on head before leaving the kitchen. 

I sped upstairs to Edward's room who's door was open. When I appeared in the room, Edward was already looking at me and Bella nearly jumped in surprise. 

I grinned at her and Edward glared at me. I ignored it.

"My mother wants to know if you want something to eat." Edward spoke, turning to Bella.

I pouted. 

That was my job, you asshole.

Bella smiled awkwardly. 

"Sure." she replied. "I'll have a bite later."

Edward turned to me. 

"There's your answer." he said expectantly.

I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Thanks for the help, Eddy." I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Try not to bite her while I'm gone."

I disappeared from the room before he could respond. 

I heard him growl from downstairs and I smirked. He was so easy to tease. 

When I arrived to the kitchen, mom had an admonishing look on her face. I walked past her and wrapped my arms back around Rosalie who was suppressing a smirk on her own. 

They must have heard me.

"Bella said she'll be down later." I informed Esme.

"That wasn't very polite, Emmett." she scolded.

"I was just joking." I replied.

Esme gave me a knowing look and I looked away. 

She didn't have to say what she was thinking. I already knew. 

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