Chapter 17 - Funny Feelings

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The school day ended in a blink of an eye. As soon as the bell rung, everyone rushed out of their classes in thankfulness. I was the last one to leave my Biology class, not wanting to stuck in the human body traffic that would disperse throughout the school. If I'm not mistaken, there's a home baseball game today. Some students would be staying after school for it.

After dropping by my classes to pick up make-up work and visiting my locker, I made my way to student parking lot where I noticed Alice and Jasper walking out as well. I nodded to them and went to my bike. Placing my bag in the saddlebag, I closed it securely before getting onto my bike. Cracking up my engine, I kicked up my side stand and shifted gears to back out of my parking space. When I saw the Cullens leave, I followed, going as fast as they were.

Minutes later, we arrived at the house and I parked my bike out front as usual. Parking it, I got off and grabbed my bag before moving toward the front door. Once again, before we reached the top step, the door was opened and we were greeted by Mrs. Cullen.

"Iris." she greeted kindly as I walked toward her. "It's nice to see you back, dear."

"It's a pleasure to be back, Ms. Esme." I said.

She gave me a bright smile and shut the door behind me. We walked up the stairs to the main floor. I went directly to the dining room. Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper hadn't come yet so I just took a seat and began to I unpack what I would need. I was already working on my school work when Emmett and Rosalie finally arrived.

They sat in front of me as usual with their books in front of them. I paused what I was doing and looked up at them. As usual, Emmett was casually smiling at me while Rosalie was aloof, looking else wear. I looked between them both before grabbing the study material I had for them.

"I have created a study guide for each of you to go along with the study plan we worked on next week." I said, handing them each a binder with condensed material. "I used the mock exams I had you guys take as layout to highlight what you didn't know and where you could improve. After each session, I give you a review test of what we went over that day and we'll walk through the answers the next day to make sure the information stays fresh in your mind."

Emmett slowly took the binders from me and handed one to Rosalie. I watched as they opened up their binders began to look at them. Emmett's expressions became one of surprise then awe as he read through the pages while Rosalie's face remained cold as looked through hers.

I couldn't help but lose myself in a daze. They were truly blessed. It was as if God had sculpted them himself. Emmett was epitome of masculinity and he had chiseled features. His stature reminded me of that of a football player and he had sharp monolid eyes that were seductive and cunning. And there were simply no words describe the beauty that was Rosalie.

She was unrealistically perfect in every way and was Aphrodite in human form. With one look from her, it was as if your soul was captured and possessed by her. Her allure was astounding. It was no wonder so many people were jealous of her. I even felt a bit envious of her effortless charisma.

I hadn't noticed the slight drool that was coming from the side of my mouth. When they finally looked up, I was still staring at them intensely, lost in thought.

"Take a picture." Rosalie frowned. "It'll last longer."

"Maybe I will." I blurted out. "Or maybe I'll draw you instead."




Emmett looked at me with wide eyes and Rosalie looked just as surprised. Hell, I even shocked myself at my outburst. A pregnant silence over took us and we stared at each other with funny looks on our face. A few minutes later, Emmett guffawed in amusement. I shifted a bit uncomfortably in my seat and I felt blood rush to the back of my neck, threatening to reach my cheeks.

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