Chapter 13 - The Cullen Residence

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The dismissal bell resounded throughout the school, ending 7th period and releasing us from the torture of what we called public education. I stood from my desk unhurriedly and began to pack my bag. After slipping the strap over my shoulder, I grabbed my research paper from my desk and submitted it to my Biology teacher. Once we exchanged goodbyes, I walked out of the classroom and made a trip to my locker.

I swapped out a few things before closing it and moving toward the parking lot. I was walking down the school steps when I heard someone yell my name.

"Hey Liz!" they yelled.

I turned in their direction and saw that it was Alice waving at me. When she saw me turn toward her, she grinned and waved me over. I slowly made my way toward her, cringing at the looks I was receiving from other students that walked by. Did she really have to cause such a scene?

"Alice." I greeted as I approached her.

My eyes traveled to the Jeep Wrangler that she was standing beside. Jasper was in the front drivers' seat and I didn't see anyone else. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me and I turned to the red BMW M3 convertible that was parked beside us. I took time to admire the car before looking at the person that was staring at me. Looking through the rear-view mirror, a pair of gold eyes gazed at me intensely. Judging from the pale blonde hair and beauty mark over her lip, I could see that it was Rosalie, the girl I met in the restroom last week.

I frowned, but my gaze never left hers. I felt that feeling again. It was like there was something pulling me towards her, fueling a desire in me to be close to her. My expression became one of confusion. Why was it that when I was near her, I would feel this way? It was all so weird and confusing.

"The others will be here in a sec." Alice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Emmett is helping Edward take care of something."

I nodded and slowly tore my gaze away from Rosalie to look at Alice who was giving me a meaningful look. I pursed my lips. Why was she looking at me like that?

"I'm going to my ride." I informed. "I'll follow you when you leave."

Alice nodded and I walked away from her. When I got to my motorcycle, I opened the saddlebag and placed my bookbag inside before closing. Adjusting my glasses, I leaned into my bike and took a seat. I fooled around on my phone until I saw Edward and Emmett come out of school and make their way to their vehicles.

Seeing that they were getting ready to leave, I sat on my bike fully and put the key in the ignition. Cranking the engine, I kicked up the side stand and began to back out of my parking space. I waited until the Cullens drove out of the parking lot to follow. I was surprised at how fast they drove, but kept up nonetheless. If anything, I was thrilled that they were speeding down the road. This meant I could speed, too.

The ride to their house was about 11 minutes from school. Oddly, it was located deep in the woods and one could easily get lost if they didn't know where they were going. When we reached our destination, the Cullens pulled their cars into their garage while I parked in the front.

It was only when I got off the motorcycle that I was able to really drinking in the house that stood before me. While I've seen my fair share of mansions and luxury homes, I must admit that this was by far one of the most creative designs I've seen. The architecture of the place was amazing and the modern styling fit oddly well with the dense forests that surrounded the place. 

I was pulled out of my musings when I heard a door slam and I looked toward the garage to see the Cullen siblings making their way toward me. I walked around my bike and grabbed my book bag from the saddlebag before moving toward the front door with everyone else. Before we reached the top step, the door had already opened and a young looking woman came to view. I forced myself not to stop and stare at the sight of her.

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