Chapter 10 - Invitation

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The lunch bell resounded through the cafeteria, letting the occupants know that first lunch was over. I gathered my trash and closed my lunchbox before making my way over to the trash can.

"Hey, Liz!" someone approached me from behind.

I turned around and saw that is was Paris.

"Paris." I responded. "What's up?"

"Me and a couple of friends mine are going to La Push this weekend." she said. "I was wondering if you'd like to come."

"La Push?" I said confusedly.

"La Push Beach. Its on the Quiluete rez." she clarified. "There's a big swell coming in so its the perfect opportunity to surf. And look, there's whale watching, too. How about it?"

I was about to decline when I paused. I thought about it. I haven't really done anything since I've got here and I'm still not too familiar with the area. Plus, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to relax or do something fun. I contemplated my options before I decided to take Paris up on her offer. It couldn't be too bad.

"Alright." I agreed.

"Really?" she said, earning a nod. "Great! Do you need someone to come get you?"

"No." I replied. "Just send me the directions and I'll drive there. I doubt if I'll be doing anything vigorous so it should be fine."

"Okay." Paris nodded. "I'll text you the address."

"Cool." I said. "I'll see you later, Paris."

"Alright." she said before leaving to go to class.

I make my way over to Sam who was waiting for my at the door. She was looking down at her phone when she happened to look up as I approached her.

"What was that about?" she asked me as we walked out of the lunchroom.

"Nothing much. Paris just invited me to La Push this weekend." I replied. "Are you going?"

She shook her head. "No. I'll be visiting my aunt and uncle in California." she answered. "I won't be back until later next week."

I nodded. "Sounds fun." I replied.

"I know right!" Sam said giddily. "I can't wait to go sight-seeing and visit the beach. And don't let me get started on the shopping."

I gave Sam a tired smile as I continued to listen to ramble about her trip and her family. I added a comment every now and then, but Sam did most of the talking. My smile grew warmer as we continued to walk down the hallway. It was nice having friends I could talk to. Unlike Cambridge Academy, I didn't have always have to look over my shoulder here and feel like I'm walking on eggshells around everyone.

We reached the music room a minute before the bell rung and went to take our seats. Once everyone was in, our teacher, Mr. Reyes, greeted us. He made a few announcements before he began the lesson. Today, we would be talking about Jazz.

After the lecture, he gave us the rest of class time to work on our final project. It will count as both a project and exam grade. The assignment is to create an original musical composition and perform it in front of the class. It could be a rap, song, or instrumental, and it can be of any genre. We will be judged based on our performance, composition, and comprehension. We are also allowed to work in groups, but it can be no more than three per group.

I found a small table in the back of the room and took a seat. Grabbing my score sheets out of my bag, I began working on my arrangement. I was so focused on editing and writing my music, I didn't notice Sam walk up to me and peek at the half blank music sheet I was writing on.

"What did you decide to do?" she inquired.

I looked up startled by her sudden closeness to me.

"A guitar solo." I replied.

"Cool!" she said as she stared at my work. "Wait, is that the score?"

I nodded. She turned to look at me in awe.

"Wow! Your so talented!" Sam beamed. "And it looks so complicated!"

I giggled at her childish behavior.

"What about you?" I inquired with a small smile.

"I'm writing a song." she grinned.

"Nice." I said with a small grin of my own. "You started on it yet?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. It's called Out of Touch. I'm really excited about finishing it." she beamed with joy.

"Can't wait to hear it." I smiled.

Sam and I continued to chat for the rest of the period. She asked me if I wanted to come to her cheerleading practice afterschool and I went out on a limb and told her yeah. This seemed to make her very happy and I could only chuckle at her. It seemed that my stay in Forks wasn't going to be too bad after all.

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