Chapter 3 - New Start

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I groan at the sound of the alarm that seemed to grow louder and louder each time it rung. Freeing an arm from the constraints of my blanket, I slammed my hand over the off button. After a few moments of silence, I lazily turned over. Slowly opening my eyes, I look at the clock.

9:30 am

I continued to stare at it like an idiot for a full minute. It took me a moment to process what I was reading.

"Shit!" I cursed as I jumped out of the bed.

I stumbled onto the floor before picking myself up and stripping off my nightwear. I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and long-sleeved AC/DC t-shirt. I splashed some water on my face before drying it off and brushed my teeth in record time. Slipping on some socks, I grabbed my converse and put them on my feet. I simply threw my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my satchel bag. I rushed into the living room and wrote a note on the chalk board before grabbing an apple out of the kitchen and running out of the house.

The cool humid air kissed my skin as soon as I was outside and I shivered a little. It was oddly nice and the air smelled fresh unlike the highly polluted city. I looked around for my bike only to remember that it would only arrive two days from now. I groaned.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Waylon's number. I cursed when it went straight to voicemail. After the fourth try, he finally picked up and I sighed in relief.

"Hello." he said with a tired yawn.

"Hello, Waylon?" I said. "This is Iris. I'm running a little late and wondered if you could take me to school."

"Iris?" he said with more energy.

I could tell he was grinning over the phone.

"Sure! Just let me finish what I'm doing right quick and I'll swing by." he replied.

"Thanks Waylon." I said gratefully.

"No problem." Waylon said before hanging up.

I put the phone in my pocket and put my glasses on my face. I was standing outside for 10 minutes before Waylon's blue truck parked on the side of the road. I rushed to the other side of the truck and hopped in. I heard Waylon chuckle as he pulled off and began driving down the road.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Jet lag." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

He nodded. "Why not wait to start next week?" he questioned. "It's already Wednesday."

I shook my head. "The sooner the better." I replied, staring at the light bags under my eyes from a restless night. "I'd like to get used to the place before I settle."

Waylon glanced at me, but didn't say anything. I didn't worry about it. Putting my beanie on my head, I rested my head against the dirty window and watched the endless woods and few houses pass me by.

It was about a 7 minute drive to Forks High School. Upon arriving, I quickly thank Waylon before rushing inside. I walked through the hallways only to realize that I'm lost. I was walking the corner when I suddenly crashed into someone, causing both of us fall to the floor.

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