Chapter 6 - Settling In

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I got up early this morning to start my day. After handling my hygienic responsibilities, I got dressed and organized the things I brought with me yesterday. I didn't have time to go through them all so I would be looking over it all today when I got back home. After throwing on my shoes and tying my hair into a ponytail, I grabbed my satchel bag and headed toward the kitchen. I still had 30 minutes to spare so I decide to make breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, grandmother came out of her room wearing a nightgown and some slippers. She released a small yawn as she entered the kitchen glanced over at the stove where I was cooking.

"Good morning, grandma." I greeted happily.

"Good morning, dear." she said with a smile. "What are you cooking?"

"Pancakes with eggs, sausage, and a mixed fruit bowl." I replied. "I'll go shopping this weekend for some more groceries. It's about time to restock."

My grandmother simply nodded and made her way to the table. I could feel her gaze on me as I continued to cook. I wondered what she was thinking about.

"Juice or coffee." I asked as I plated the food.

"Coffee, please." she said, snapping out of whatever daze she was in.

I nodded and brought out plates to the table. I then went to pour two cups of coffee before returning to the table.

"Cream or sugar?" I asked, setting the cup in front of her.

"Both." she answered.

After coming back with the cream and sugar, I sat down at the table and my grandmother blessed the food. Once she was done, we both dug in and we began to eat in comfortable silence. I looked at my wrist to check the time and realized a had only 6 minutes before it was time for me to leave. At this, I rushed to eat my food and drunk my coffee black. My grandmother watched me in confusion as I wolfed down my food.

When I was done, I brought my dirty dishes to the sink and rinsed them before putting them in the dish water.

"Don't worry. I'll wash them for you." my grandmother said, sipping on her coffee.

"Thanks grandma." I said before grabbing my bag.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek before making my way to the front door.

"Bye, grandma." I said. "See you after school."

"Have a good day, Iris." she said as I shut the door behind me.

I waited outside for a good 5 minutes before a familiar truck pulled up into my drive way. With a confused expression, I walked up the big orange truck and got in. Shutting the door behind me, I strapped on my seatbelt and placed my bag on the seat beside me.

"So we meet again." Bella said.

"It seems so." I said. "When Waylon said he was going to get someone to pick me up, I expected one of his old buddies or something."

"Well, he and my dad are close friends and have worked together for years from what I was told." she shrugged as she pulled out of my drive way and drove.

"Who's your dad?" I asked curiously.

"Charlie Swan." Bella said. "He's the chief of police."

I slowly nodded. "I see." I replied.

Our conversation ended like that. The rest of the ride was silent and both of us seemed to be lost in our own thoughts. Minutes later, we arrived at school. Bella parked and we both got out of the truck and headed toward the building. I noticed Bella seemed to be a little out of it. I turned to her and found that she was staring at something....or rather someone.

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