Chapter 105

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I'm sitting on the bench of the skate park, smoking a cigarette.

I watch as the guys and a few girls shake and bike on the ramp, practicing tricks and showing off their skills.

I some people are just having fun and others seem to be working hard, probably hoping to be the next Tony Hawk.

I glance at my own skateboard beside me.

I was one of the ones that was out here just for fun. No real interest or talent for it in that matter. Killing time and living life I reckon.

"Yo, Liz!" Someone yells across the park.

I look over to see that it's Trent.

Trent was I guy a met here when I first came here with some guys from school.

He was the boyfriend of Hazel, a stoner and notorious troublemaker at school.

Rumor had it that she had been in juvie in middle school and came back sophomore year.

I'm not one to follow the rumor mill and I never asked her about it. I didn't make it my business and honestly didn't care.

What I do know is that she's cool to hang around when you get to know her. She just doesn't tolerate bullshit which I respect.

I get up, taking my board and riding over to him.

"Trent." I greet, stopping at his van. "What's up?"

"Nothing really." He says, sniffing. "Just hanging around."

I look at him, noticing his eyes were a little pink.

Dude was high.

"Right..." I say and look around. "Hazel not here?"

"No." He says. "She's at therapy today."

"Oh." I reply.

"Hey, I got some new hash that just came in." He told me. "Wanna taste?"

I stare at him.

"What's in it?" I inquire.

"Nothing." He says. "Pure cannabis. Straight out the valley."

I look at him skeptically.

"Are you sure?" I ask. "The last time, I wanted fucking kill myself because I was so high."

"You smoked too much of it." He says matter-of-factly.

"That's not the point." I glare.

"Alright. Okay, that was my bad." He says. "But I swear on my mother's grave, this time it's straight. Shoe, no lace."


Like I said, dude was fucking high.

"How much for it?" I ask him.

"$40." He says.

"For a dime?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I told you. It's the real deal." He says. "That type of shit is a lot to come by."

"$20." I offer. "I'll add an extra $10 if it's legit."

"Liz..." he frowns.

"That's okay, then." I say. "I know a guy in Seattle. I'm sure we can come to an agreement and I know his stuff's legit. Sayonara."

I turn to leave.

"Wait!" He says.

I stop and turn toward him.

"Alright." He says reluctantly.

"So we got a deal?" I ask.

He nods bitterly.

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