Chapter 50 - Gifts and Presents

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Rosalie's POV


We arrived in Port Angeles quickly. 

After parking, we all got out of the car and split up. 

Iris paired with Alice and I was walking with Esme. Iris and I didn't even speak or look at each other. 

I ignored Esme's concerned looks.

If Iris wanted to be that way, fine. I wasn't going to back down because of her righteous quest for self identity. 

As her mate, it was my duty to protect her. There were things about our world that she wouldn't understand so it was my job to the extra set of eyes to see the things she couldn't see. If that meant I had to be the bad guy, then so be it.

"You know, the both of you are more alike than different." Esme says as we walk into a boutique.

I scoffed. 

"Besides being incredibly stubborn, I really don't see it." I say in annoyance.

"Is that so?" Esme says teasingly. "I can name several."

I look at her with doubt. 

She smiled at me.

"You're both very secretive and guarded." she lists off. "You guys are very straight-forward in your approach of things."

"Iris is basic, wary of everything, insensitive, pensive, annoying, boring...." I began to list off differences.

"Both of you are head-strong." Esme interrupted. "You're bold and unafraid to speak your mind. You don't like false pretenses and you push people away because you are afraid of getting hurt again. And you're both very opinionated."

"She's such a know it all." I complained. "She's so sanctimonious and recluse. I've never met someone so hardheaded and disingenuous. Not mention how uptight and frigid she is. I swear she's colder than me and I'm not even alive!"

Esme laughed and I glared at her. 

I huffed before looking through some of the dresses. This was not funny at all.

"I think you've met your match." she said in amusement.

I rolled my eyes at her.

How could both of my mates be so different from each other?

Emmett was sweet, reckless, and protective. He was selfless and always sees the brighter side of things. He loved being affectionate and was wild and adventurous. He was kind-hearted and childish and put my needs above his own. He was willing to be anything that I needed and didn't care if I was shallow or selfish.

To him, I was a god in his eyes and he believed I could do anything. He wanted see me happy and that was what mattered most to him. 

It was because of his unconditional love and unquestionable confidence in me that I willingly gave myself to him. There wasn't nothing I treasured more than his indescribable love for me and I cherished it and tried to reciprocate as much as I could. If I'm completely honest, he was the one who taught me how love. That was a gift that I could never repay.

I smiled at that thought before I frowned.

Then, there was Iris..... 

Smart, intelligent, quiet, apathetic, sophisticated, competent, and disciplined. 

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