Chapter 70 - Road to Recovery?

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So, I was admitted into a psych ward.

After my screaming episode at the hospital, I was transferred to the Child Study and Treatment Center.

The place was....nice to say the least.

They had to drug me to calm down me down.

I was in a horrible state. Somewhere between an emotional meltdown and mental breakdown. Scared everyone to death.

I was finally able to calm down after my third day there.

I returned to being a human vegetable. Fortunately, this didn't last too long.

What Dr. Lee told me really moved me.

After two and a half weeks, I finally made a decision. I would get up and leave that place....and never come back.

Her words didn't absolve my sorrows nor did it quell my depression. But it did give me courage. Some way, some how, I found the strength to pick myself up.

My grandmother may have left me, but she made her mark in my heart.

I....I couldn't disappoint her.

I started cooperating. I started talking. I tried to eat.

To everyone else, I was improving. But I knew the truth.

I had taken the back seat and my body went into autopilot.

Iris was a flower, wilting in the dark. Waiting for sunshine that would never come.

No one realized the mask forming in front of them. They were just happy that I was getting better. 

For once, I felt something other than grief. I was glad.

Fast forward a month later, I'm released from the hospital.

I am currently in the car with Dr. Lee, who has signed me out.

Her husband, David, has also tagged along. He is the one who apologized for Grace not being here, explaining that they had her stay home with her younger brother who had returned home for winter break.

I tell him I understand and go back to staring out the window.

It is a three-hour drive from Lakewood to Forks. It is thankfully silent.

When we arrive to Forks, I am not taken directly home, much to my confusion. 

I look at Dr. Lee questionably when we stop in front of the Lee residence.

She turns the car off and Mr. Lee gets out, shutting the door behind him. She unbuckles her seatbelt and turns around to face me.

"So here is the deal....." she starts. "I've spoken with the doctors at the hospital and we all agreed that you shouldn't be alone during the remainder of your recovery."

I blink and remain silent.

"So, we made some arrangements. You will be staying with me and my family until I feel you're well enough to be on your own. I know you may not want to, but its for your own good." she watches my reactions closely. "Mr. and Mrs. Roberts also opened their home as well. Whether its my place or theirs, the choice is yours. You can even alternate if you prefer."

I continue to look at her.

I'm honestly not keen on staying with anyone, but I guess I have no choice but to yield to these demands. I am out the hospital and have no intentions on going back. If this is what I have to do, so be it.

I glance at her house before my eyes return to her.

"Okay." I tell her. "I guess I can alternate."

I frown a little at that.

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