Breakfast and Society Tea

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I was awoken by Marie in the morning, despite the light that had apparently been streaming through my windows. She was brisk in terms of getting me up and moving, and spoke little except to ask me to raise my feet so she could button my shoes on. She bobbed and left, and I tried to distract myself from my thoughts. I had been unable to sleep for most of the night, my mind whirling as fast as Zachary had spun me around the reading room. I had heard my parents having a discussion throughout the night, their words muffled but I could hear when their voices were raised, when Mother broke down in tears, when Father left the room and slammed the door.

Needless to say, my night had not been very restful.

I sat at my vanity, trying to find something to occupy my mind. I did not travel with many cosmetics, some powder and a light rouge. My pot of rose cold cream, a small bottle of Florida water and a hairbrush. I picked up the Florida water, pouring a little into my hands and running it through my hair. I brushed it in, the citrus scent perfuming the air. Just a slight scent though, I had always heard from Mother and the other older ladies that heavy perfume was the mark of a loose woman.

I jumped when a knock sounded, the brush clattering out of my hand, off the edge of the vanity and onto the carpeted floor. I dropped to my knees to grab it. "Just a moment!" I called out, standing and reaching for the shared door. Mother was still in bed, but Father had made his way to their table and begun eating. "Father, I am going to breakfast."

"Anastasia, we need to talk about what happened last night." He set down his fork, blotting at his face with his napkin. "I have half a mind to lock you up here to keep him away from you."

"Father, please, I have promised Mr. Murdoch an early breakfast. Zachary is probably sleeping off his hangover."

"Mr. Murdoch, that would be the officer escorting you, correct?"

"Yes, Father and he is here right now to take me up." I looked back over my shoulder toward my own cabin door. "Please Father, I cannot leave him waiting."

Father stood, coming over to look down at me. I tried to summon a brave smile, as if last night's events had been put firmly behind me and would never bother me again. I felt him pick up my hands, bringing them up and kissing them lightly. "I will not keep you. When he goes on watch your mother will meet you at the officer's promenade, you are to stay with her all day until he can come back." He brought his hand up to my cheek. "He must be enjoying your company quite a bit if he's willing to take you to breakfast."

"Father, Mr. Murdoch has been nothing but kind to me these past few days and I have enjoyed spending time with him. He even helped me back to my cabin last night, and what does it matter if I enjoy his company? You've never tried to limit who I associate with."

He held up a hand to interrupt my tirade."I jest my dear, but we shall see how kind he is after he watches you devour half the breakfast table." Father chuckled, "Go on, enjoy yourself." I spun back, letting the light white cotton of my skirt settle before opening the door. Will was standing there, running his fingers through his hair while he held his cap in the other hand.

I closed the door behind me as I stepped out. "Good morning, Will."

"Anastasia, I hope your ankle is better." He offered me his arm.

"Much, although I will be glad to lean on you a bit." I replied, letting him walk us, slowly, up to the dining saloon. It was fairly empty, early rising was not a habit of most of the ton. We ordered our food and were assured it would come quickly due to the lack of patrons at the moment. I took a drink of water before I spoke again. "Thank you for last night, you didn't have to stay."

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