A Favor

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Liz and I had spoken multiple times over the phone in the days before the Reichster's party. First I had apologized to her for Will's behavior, she had apparently found it hilarious and refused to accept my apology. Then we had fallen into discussion about what exactly to wear to the Reichster's party. Wearing our ugliest dresses had sounded tempting, a slap in the face to them for what they had done. But then another idea had wormed its way into my head at night, and I had called Liz in a panic. I had tried to control my breathing as I held the phone, "Liz, forget the potato sacks. Find your best ballgown, the most daring, and wear that."

"But then they'll be looking at us the entire time." Liz's voice had been rather crackled over the line.

"And then they'll see us not even want to speak to them." I had sounded almost giddy, "We'll try to ignore everyone but Will and Oscar, we could almost cut them completely!" The thought of wearing a daring dress, and spinning around in Will's arms, while Mr. Reichster had to stare and know that he couldn't have me, was tempting. "We can rub their noses in it, just our complete disdain for them."

"I'll send someone down for my diamonds." Liz had crowed over the phone, "Oh, this is the best idea I've heard. Oscar is going to hate it."

"Let him, the night will be even better if he's already angry." I had giggled, hanging up the phone. I knew exactly the dress I was going to wear, the jewelry too. I had purchased it when we had been in Paris, a daring dark sapphire dress that fell low across my chest and hugged my body until it fell straight to the floor. A flimsy piece of beaded organza provided some modesty along the neckline, but very little. And I had the sapphires Mother had given me, I'd had them packed into a trunk, just in case I needed them. Both were set out on my bed, ready for me for tonight. I had set them out myself, Louise was already going to have a fit when she saw the dress, I could only imagine what she would have done if I had ordered her to bring it out. But it was beautiful, laying against the white coverlet, a sea of dark blue silk.

Mr. Reichster had wanted to drape me in rubies, I'd face him again in sapphires, with Will at my side.

I held that thought in my mind as I sought out Will in the cottage, finally finding him in the upper parlor, or rather outside of it. He was sitting on the small balcony, smoking his pipe and looking out at the sea. He'd had me out on the yacht the day before, letting me steer until I felt comfortable. My arms had been burning by the end of it, and Mother had despaired that I might get freckles, which he had laughed at. I hoped that was what the small smile playing about his lips was about, although I saw it widen as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pressing my lips to his head and his head to my breast. "Will, what exactly are you up here doing?"

"Your mother doesn't like the smoke in the house," He muttered, leaning back so that his head rested between my breasts. "And I enjoy watching the waves."

"Hmm," I leaned down, my voice a whisper. "Will, do you think you could do my a favor tonight?"

"A favor?" He chuckled, reaching over to tug me to the front of the chair. With me securely on his lap, and in his arms, he breathed against my shoulder. "And what can I expect in return?"

My hand found its way to his thigh, "You don't even want to know what it is?"

"I'd rather know the payment you intend to give." His voice caught as I ran my hand even farther up his thigh. "Ana, is this it?"

"Perhaps, although I'll have to delay it." I murmured, withdrawing my hand. "For sometime after the ball."

"And what exactly will I be doing to get it?" Will stared at me, his blue eyes clear and dancing.

"Wear your uniform tonight, and your sword." I heard my voice rise, and I wrapped my hands around the back of his head. "Please Will, please. Just think of what they'll do when you show up with a sword." I pressed my forehead to his, "You'll be the only one there with a sword, and oh, you're so handsome with it."

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