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Mother had been insistent that we travel up to Newport with the rest of the guests, so even though we could barely move after we woke in the late afternoon, we had to get everything packed to leave the next day. The party had lasted late into the night, and as the hosts, Will and I had to stay awake to bid farewell to every guest as they left, so that it was already light by the time we had been able to head up. Our brief moment in the hallway that night was the last time we had been able to be around each other for a prolonged time that night. More men wanted to dance with me, then they wanted to have a smoke and a whiskey with Will and quiz him about his plans for the future. The other society girls had already begun their flattery campaigns, cornering me to enthuse about my dress, the flowers, the music, all in an effort to get that most coveted title, bridesmaid.

So it was exhausted and quiet that we showed up at the station to join Mother in our private car. Several other families had their cars attached to the train as well, which meant that we had to be ready to accept visitors at any point. Will and I were reduced to playing cards while we waited for anyone to come in. I blearily looked down at my hand, mumbling my next bet. Will grunted, "Call."

"Really, how did you ever learn poker my dear?" Mother said as she flipped the cards on the table over.

"How did you?" I grumbled, knowing I was going to have to fold the next round unless I got Will to give in first.

Mother clicked her fingers on the table, "It was very popular back in Omaha. Of course I would never gamble, but it was something to play. It's your call, my dear."

"Check." I dropped my cards back to the table, looking across at Will. His stubble was coming in, Reggie had been so busy packing all of Will's new clothes that he hadn't had a chance to shave him last night and the morning hadn't given much of a chance either. I remembered how it felt to have his stubble rub against my cheek, prickly and scratchy but in a pleasurable way. It seemed that way with us, where I was smooth he would be rough, where I was soft, he was hard. God, I missed feeling him like that.

"Raise." Will tossed a couple of chips in, in truth a couple of teaspoons from a silver service kept in the car, a small grin breaking out on his face when I tossed my cards after them. He flipped over his hand revealing that nothing he had matched the cards Mother had dealt, "Ana, we're going to have to keep playing if you're going to fold to a pair of twos. You obviously need more practice."

"Congratulations, you beat me." I groaned, leaning back in my chair. "Mother, can't I catch a nap on one of the benches? Things were so busy at the house that I barely slept."

"And what if we have visitors?" Mother pulled the cards back to herself, shuffling them. "I can hardly have you laying out on a bench."

"What if I were to sit with her and let her lean on me?" Will caught my eye, "That way she could rest but still be ready for callers."

"I suppose," Mother sighed, dropping the freshly shuffled deck of cards onto the table. "I did bring a book along, and we only have a few hours left before we arrive." Will nodded his thanks, and pulled me over to the bench, drawing my head down to his shoulder.

Once I was settled next to his ear, I whispered to him. "Do you remember the last time we were on this bench?"

"I'm not going to let you fall and take me with you again, Ana." He whispered back, "Not with your Mother right there. Now, get some sleep. I'll wake you if anyone comes in." I muttered my thanks, breathing in what I could catch of his cologne. He hadn't applied much today, and the little wisps I could catch were bright and clean. It, along with the slight rocking from the train, was enough to lull me to sleep. I was so tired that I didn't even dream, only waking when I felt Will brush his hand across my cheek. "Ana, the Vanderbilts are here. Please wake up before she tries to claim me again."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now