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I kept myself away from the court as the lawyers for both sides descended and began hectoring each other about precedence and privileges. The promised Pinkertons had begun to show up outside the fence, lingering on corners and doing their best to look inconspicuous. The porters that Mother had brought in stood out a bit more, but I felt more comfortable around them. I had tried to make it a habit of bringing refreshments to the men lingering outside. The Pinkertons chided me to head back inside, that I was putting myself at risk and ruining everything. The porters thanked me for it, asked after Will and Ezekiel and laughed at the Pinkertons in their ill fitting casual clothing.

"Miss Anastasia, I saved this for you." Peggy said as I came back in from one such excursion, holding out a folded newspaper. "Taylor saw it while he was buying the chickens for dinner, your mother has already read it." I muttered my thanks as I took it from her, heading up to the office. It was the most private place I could think of, although the library was tempting. But it had Oscar and Ezekiel in it, while Will caught up on his rest, and I wanted to read this before anyone else. Settling myself into my chair, I opened it. There was a large photograph under a massive headline, Evan Perry Arrested for Attempted Kidnapping of Dalian Heiress.

Yesterday morning Evan Perry surrendered himself to police custody at his Manhattan home. While wearing a well tailored suit, he spoke briefly to reporters present. "I have nothing to do with the unfortunate events that Miss Dalian suffered and will prove it in court." Despite repeated requests for further comment, reporters were prevented from gaining further answers by police. The case is quickly becoming well known, and our reporters at the court have sent word that the Link brothers, well known attorneys for Oscar Vanderbilt, are representing Miss Dalian. Opening arguments will begin this week, and we promise to bring our readers every word that is spoken during this case.

Mr. Perry looked well put together as he was escorted out of his house, in fact he even looked like he had posed for the photograph. He smiled, and Constance clung to his arm and gave all appearances of being the concerned and devoted wife. I folded the newspaper back up, slapping it down onto the desk. The banner practically grinned up at me, The New York Journal. Of course it was that Hearst rag that had scooped it, and now all the other papers would be scrambling to catch up. Pictures of myself would be plastered everywhere, as would pictures of Will.

And then the sinking would be talked about.

I stood, walking to the windows and looking out over the harbor. It had been almost a year, a year since everything had been turned upside down. I couldn't help leaning forward and resting my head on the glass, feeling the cold surface press against my skin. It wasn't the coldest thing I'd ever felt, not like the water in the lifeboat. Not like Will's hands, when he so desperately wanted to go back into the water. When he clung to me, soaking my clothes and I promised to be strong, to not grieve and to be the one to keep him steady. And then I failed. It was before I knew Father had died, before-

"Ana?" Will's voice cut through my thoughts, and I jerked away from the glass. "You've been in here for hours."

I pressed my hand to my head, feeling the mark on my skin. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."

"What's that?" He moved to the desk, quickly reading the article. "Hmph, doesn't he paint a pretty picture?" I felt his arms slide around my waist, his head on my shoulder. "But you weren't thinking about him, not for this long."

"Partly," I wrapped my hands around his. "But not entirely."

"Henry? Zachary?"

"No." I let out a breath, "It's been almost a year."

"Ah, that." His hands tightened. "It's been on my mind too." Will took in a long breath, his voice low. "I, I've been having nightmares again. It's been getting worse as it gets closer."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now