The Wedding Breakfast

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AN: Sorry for the weird schedule, got fired from a job I really liked which sent me into a depression, and between having to get myself sorted with all that, starting therapy and filing for unemployment, it's been a lot. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

In the end, we would up sleeping far past the usual time for breakfast. Not that I think anyone else was up either, it would only have been the staff that was awake. I had woken up with Will's arm around me, our legs intertwined. I had stopped bleeding, although I was a bit sore when I moved. Still though, when Will yawned and blearily looked over at me, that soreness was far from my mind. I smiled, "Good morning, husband."

"Morning, wife." He chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

I pressed myself to him, then sighed. "We should get up and head down, the others might be waiting for us to have breakfast."

With a chuckle, he pinned me by my shoulders and reared up over me. "Bugger the bloody breakfast, I'm not leaving this bed until I've had you again."

I laughed, the thought of it was rather exciting. "You know, the quicker we go down the quicker they'll leave and we can come back up."

"Quiet woman, I meant what I said." He was grinning though, and his grip was light.

I smiled up at him, winding my arms around his shoulders."If you do it right I won't be quiet in the slightest." I could see his eyes darken, and he dropped his lips down to mine and pushed me farther into the pillows as he plunged his tongue ahead. I responded in kind, shifting my legs so that he more easily rest between them. One hand skimmed its way down my side, drifting over my thigh and exploring my folds. I yelped into the kiss when he slid a finger inside, and Will pulled back quickly. I tried to keep my voice calm, "I'm sorry, it's just a little sore."

Will was panting, but he settled himself back onto his knees. "No, no, it's alright." Fortunately we hadn't gotten too far, and he got himself calmed quickly. "You are right though, we should go down for breakfast."

"It's not that I don't want to-"

"There will be time for that later." Will stood, finding a robe and pulling it on. He held out my dressing gown, helping slip it over my arms. He didn't tie it though, instead slipping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek as he hugged my back to him. "We'll have a whole month."

I pressed a hand to his cheek, turning and kissing it. "I'm sure I won't be sore by tonight."

"Then I eagerly await tonight." He kissed me properly at that, although he looked rather disappointed when I tied the belt of my dressing gown and started for my dressing room. Louise was nothing but smirks as she helped me into a morning dress, and Will was waiting in the hallway. He was only wearing a vest over his suspenders, and he shook his head as he took my arm. "Do we really need to take Reggie with us? He wouldn't even look at me."

"Louise didn't say a thing, just kept smirking." I chuckled, "Although if you want we can take care of all of our trunks ourselves instead of enjoying our honeymoon."

"Well," He rocked his head from side to side, considering it. "I suppose they can come, so long as they stop acting so silly."

"They're hardly the ones we have to worry about." I stepped lightly down the stairs, "This breakfast is going to be intolerable, you know that." He merely grunted, for both of us knew what was coming. Mother, Morgan and Abe, Charles and Sylvie and the other officers, all having breakfast with us and poking fun at what had happened last night. Fortunately the spread on the table was quite tempting, fully scrambled eggs with bacon and buttered toast, so I would be glad to focus on my food instead of listening to the japes at our expense.

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