A Look of Adoration

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Sitting across from his father at breakfast the next morning was torture for William. Ana had claimed a headache and taken breakfast in their rooms, Will had tugged on her hair for that, especially when she had smirked at him as he had walked out the door. So now he was adding salt to his eggs and focusing all his attention on his plate instead of looking up at Samuel.

His father coughed, "Now, Will, I don't mean fer things tae be awkward. It's only, do the two of ye have to be so loud? I was needin' that nap yesterday."

"Da," Will blushed, switching from the salt to the pepper. "Being quiet, well, it takes all the fun out of it. Ana likes to be rather loud." Sometimes Ana could barely talk after, and during days where they'd gone at each other multiple times she had actually lost her voice. She had no compunctions about it, and was actually rather proud of what he could do to her.

Samuel, a bit red in the face, snorted. "And curse, I could tell."

Will set the pepper down, pursing his lips. "You know, Da, we have to do something if you want grandchildren."

"I already have grandchildren lad, and I didn't have tae hear them being made."

"But no American ones."

"And what a blessing that is, for if they'll be as loud as their mother I wouldn't sleep a wink!" Samuel laughed though, and Will couldn't help but smile. It was good to see his father feeling better, although perhaps distracted would be a better word. After the plates had been cleared away, and Ana had reappeared in the parlor, Samuel settled himself into a chair. "I was thinkin' Anastasia, perhaps emeralds fer his birthday."

Will blushed, seeing Ana smirk at him before she answered. "Oh, that is a wonderful idea. Why don't we head out to Tiffany's and take a look at what they have?" Rigel was brought, and Ana handed his leash to Samuel. "Here, he seems to enjoy you."

"And I enjoy this great big bear." He grinned, ruffling the dog's ears. "Now, I want ye tae tell me all about this Tiffany's." Will found himself glad that Rigel's hair wouldn't show against the dark purple of Ana's skirt, for he had no doubt there would be some society people where they were and he did not want to hear hushed remarks about the untidiness of his wife's wardrobe. If anything, Ana was too tidy in her dress. The dark purple silk was tailored perfectly to her figure, gold lace and beads drawing his eye. He took a glance at Samuel, hoping that he wouldn't notice how Will's eyes clung to his wife's figure.

Sometimes it was all he could do to not haul Ana off into a room, bend her over a table and take her like it was his last day on earth. He wondered if his wife knew how she affected him, if she deliberately laughed and batted her eyes at him to drive him mad. He couldn't help but smile softly as she laughed while explaining Tiffany's to his father, her hand reaching over for his and gently squeezing. He ran his thumb over her knuckles, and when she finally quieted he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She smiled, "What was that for?"

"I can't kiss my wife?" He whispered back, "Besides, it's better than letting Rigel kiss you." Ana snorted at that, and started as the carriage pulled to a stop in front of Tiffany's. His father was quiet as the door was opened for them, and a salesman was immediately at their side.

Ana nodded to the man, "We're here to find some party favors, if you could help?"

"Of course ma'am." The salesman began leading them through a warren of cases and displays. "May I ask what stones you are looking for?"

Samuel snorted, "Emeralds, if'n ye please." Will blushed a bit when Ana looked at him, her eyes dancing. The salesman nodded, and they shortly found themselves in front of a counter filled with sparkling green stones in every tone. Cases and cases were brought up for their inspection, not only jewelry for the ladies but accessories for the men. His father considered a gold cigarette case, engraved with a tree where each leaf was a stone. "My God."

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