The Morning After

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The sound of Will trying to find his way through my sitting room was exciting to say the least, to know that he was so anxious for the wedding night he wanted to enjoy it as soon as he could. I had not intended on him actually bedding me, I had locked the door to my bedroom, but I had wanted to tease him a bit. He was always fun to tease, especially when he almost lost control of himself. I had gone to bed happy, knowing that soon enough he'd be behind the door with me.

The next morning, I slipped out as Reggie was bringing Will's breakfast to his sitting room. I held out my hands, "I'll take that, he gets a bit tetchy when he's hungover." With all the men in the house, poor Reggie had been pulling double and triple duty helping them so he was more than glad to unload it on me. I set it on Will's dark wooden table in his sitting room, slipping into his bedroom. He was passed out in his bed, half the covers hanging onto the floor and revealing him in his shirt and trousers. I couldn't help the little smile that broke out on my face. I shucked my nightgown off, locked the door, and snuggled up against his side. I artfully draped my hair over his shoulder, laying my head down gently on his chest. It took a minute to calm myself to the point where I could feign sleep, to maintain the facade that I had fallen asleep with him after a passionate night of lovemaking.

He stirred briefly, his hand brushing up against my hair. "Mmmm, Ana." I sighed, pressing myself against him further. He shifted, "Ana?" The hand that brushed up against my hair became rigid. "Ana! Good God, what did I do?"

I faked a yawn, stretching back onto the pillows. "What didn't you do, Will? Last night was incredible."

He was sitting straight up, staring at me. His face was red, and his hands clenched around themselves tightly. "No, no you were supposed to lock your door."

"I did! You didn't lock yours." I smiled, reaching out a hand to caress his shoulder. "I just couldn't stand the wait."

"Ten days!" He dug his fingers into his short hair. "I couldn't make it ten more days!" His voice was thick, breaking. "I promised you, and I broke it. I promised myself. Hell, I swore it!"

I felt a curl of guilt in my stomach. "Will, we didn't do anything."

"You're naked in my bed!" He stood, weaving for a moment before sitting down on the edge. His voice was more confused though, "And I'm clothed. How am I clothed if I bedded you?"

"Because you didn't," I sat up, clasping around his shoulders and not so subtly pressing my breasts against his back. "You wanted to, it took everything Harold had to get you out of my room, but you fell asleep here, alone." I pressed a kiss to his cheek, "I brought your breakfast in and wanted to play a little trick."

"Ana, you need to get out of here before I actually bed you." He suddenly turned, taking me in. "You're lust made flesh, and if not for my damn headache I'd have taken you twice already."

I chuckled as I drew on my nightgown, "Well, keep that ardor up then. Our wedding night should be memorable, you know."

"Christ woman," He turned at that, catching me around my waist and pulling me to him. "You might not be able to walk after."

"Sounds lovely." I muttered, leaning back and drawing him into a kiss. I wrinkled my nose and pulled back after he slipped his tongue into my mouth. "Ugh, but that is not. How much did you drink last night?"

"Far too much." Will groaned as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Or not enough, at least if I'd had a bit more I'd have broken your door down last night. Or at least locked Harold out."

I snorted, stepping away and watching him stumble a few steps back to the bed. "The last thing you need is to have thrown him out, you all might not have made it home without him."

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