Party at the Gates of Hell

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Lieutenant Bertie Johnson was utterly miserable in the large private dining room that Mrs. Beatty had rented for her party. The flowers were making him sniff, his knees were hurting from standing stock still for so long and his commanding officer wasn't even here. The Collingwood was back in Scapa Flow, but since Beatty and Grandfather had been friends he had to come to this party for appearances.

The ladies that were there were eying him up like a particularly juicy peach, one of them even licked her lips like she wanted to take a bite. Women like that frightened him, especially when one of them came up and trailed her hand down his arm. "Is it true what they say about sailors, Lieutenant Johnson?"

He gulped, "S-s-say?"

"They s-s-say," She giggled, "That sailors like to have a girl in every port." She batted her eyes, the fingers of one hand tracing the pearls at her throat. "I could be your girl here."

Bertie jerked back, stumbling away. "My apologies, I d-don't feel well." God, he didn't want to be here, David always went to parties. But Admiral Beatty was smiling at him, waving him over.

He clapped him on his shoulder, "Not enjoying the ladies, Bertie?"

"I'm just feeling a bit green, sir." Bertie shifted, "Some food might help."

Beatty shrugged, "Ah, well, Ethel wants all the guests here before we start serving." He turned as the door opened, "And here are our last two!"

Bertie turned to look, and felt his mouth go dry. The captain was nothing remarkable, only standing out for being a Reservist, but the woman on his arm was absolutely stunning. Tall, blonde, with diamonds on her wrist and at her throat, a massive tiara in her hair. She looked at her husband with adoration, and when they approached the admiral, she spoke with a smile. "My apologies for our late arrival Admiral, I had to rush back to our room for something and we had to wait for the elevator to come back up!"

Bertie noticed how Ethel froze at her husband's side, while Admiral Beatty was clearly eying the woman. "Captain Murdoch, I don't think we've been introduced."

"Of course, sir," Captain Murdoch smiled, clearly pleased with the attention his wife was getting. "I should like you to meet my wife, Anastasia Murdoch. Ana, this is Admiral Beatty and his wife, Ethel."

Beatty beamed, nodding to Bertie. "And Lieutenant Bertie Johnson, I've taken a special interest in his career."

"How wonderful," Anastasia turned her smile on him, and he suddenly felt rather warm. "That must be quite an honor."

"Oh, y-yes." Bertie cursed his stutter. "I'm quite glad to be here."

She leaned closer, lifting her hand to pretend to whisper to him. "So am I, I enjoy every moment I get with my husband and those are far too few these days."

Ethel clearly wanted the attention back on her, "Oh I know, I relish every day I have with Davey." She simpered at her husband, who was still looking at Mrs. Murdoch. "I'm so proud of what he's accomplished, but it is such a trial to share him."

Admiral Beatty shrugged, his eyes travelling across Anastasia's jewels. "You simply must tell me about that necklace, I've never seen the like."

"Oh," Anastasia brushed her fingers over it. "This was a gift from a dear friend."

Ethel pursed her lips. "And the tiara?"

"New!" Anastasia beamed, "We got it yesterday."

"I'm sure the jeweler was glad to loan it to you," Ethel smirked, "There will be plenty of prospective buyers here tonight."

Captain Murdoch reached over and adjusted the tiara in his wife's hair, "Oh, I insisted on purchasing it. I find pearls flatter Anastasia like nothing else."

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