Finally, A Proposal

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James sat stiffly in the Vanderbilt train car as they rolled toward Newport. All the maroon silk paneled walls, the dark wood furniture, the shining crystal made him feel out of place, even as Liz held his hand and drew his attention to a magazine she was holding. He considered the various hairstyles that were shown before tapping an illustration of a lady with her hair pulled back in a twist. "I like that one."

"You don't think it's too severe?" Liz began doing her best to imitate it, it was rather difficult without a mirror and James had to laugh when the elegant twist she was attempting wound up looking more like a tangle. Liz pouted at him, "What's so funny?"

He pulled her hands from her hair, "You are, let your maid try it later." Liz pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, but there was a smile to it. Then she pressed herself a little closer to him, and he froze again. He knew Richard was watching him, as was Oscar. So he had to fight against the urge to wrap an arm around her and instead got her talking about the magazine again.

But the in the car ride to their estate she put her hand on his thigh accidentally and he almost jumped.

He was glad when he had a moment alone after the footmen had brought his trunk and bags up to the rooms he had been given. He pressed a hand to his waistcoat, feeling the ring dig into his ribs. It had been in that pocket since he had brought it from Southampton, although hopefully not for much longer. James passed a short while putting his clothes into the various dressers and wardrobes that had been provided, not that they came close to filling them. He paused in front of the mirror to straighten his jacket, run a hand through his hair, and summon his courage.

Richard had to say yes, he just had to. Why else would he have allowed him to come with them on this trip? He had let him sleep in his home during the anniversary when he couldn't stand the thought of sleeping on the ship. He kept repeating this to himself as he walked through the hallways towards Richard's rooms. He'd been proper during the courting process, Liz adored him and he was helplessly in love with her.

Richard was alone when he opened the door and invited him in. "James, is there something wrong with your rooms?"

"No sir," He shook his head, "They're very nice. Thank you for letting me come with you, again."

"Of course," Richard chuckled, settling into a leather chair. "Liz would have been put out with me if I hadn't."

"And Oscar?"

"He'd have only put up with her complaining for so long before he sent for you himself." Richard raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

James drew in a breath, "Yes. I want your permission to propose to Elizabeth."

Richard snorted. "You mean Oscar didn't tell you?"

"What?" James furrowed his brows. "Oscar?"

"That day you came in and raked us all over the coals for that business with the Murdochs," Richard stood, coming to put his hands on the younger man's shoulders. "After you left I told Oscar that I would say yes the second you asked me for Liz's hand. I'm just surprised he didn't tell you."

He blinked, "Oh, well, thank you sir."

"Do you have a ring?"

"Yes, here." James fished it out of his pocket. It was nothing compared to what he had seen in her jewelry box, but the pale ruby had reminded him of the pink fairy dress she had worn for the costume ball when he'd first gotten permission to court her.

Richard considered it for a moment. "I could have this added to, if you like. A few diamonds wouldn't go amiss."

"I think I would rather Liz decide that, sir." James slipped it back into his pocket. "Would you mind if I-"

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