Modern Major General

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The house was full of guests it seemed, even though it was only the five Lightollers. It seemed around every corner there was something happening, whether it was Trevor riding Rigel like a horse, or stumbling across Charles and Sylvie hiding in a curtain and wrapped around each other. In the case of the first, I had brought Trevor to Lewis so he could lead the boy around on a carriage horse. For the second, I had shooed the two of them away, reminding them that they had their own room to seduce each other in. Charles had grinned, swept Sylvie up into his arms, and carried her away like they were a pair of newlyweds.

Charles wasn't quite as sunny on New Year's Eve when I told him I had come across a perfect show for all of us to go see at the opera that night. He glanced up from his paper, "The opera? You're proposing taking those two to the opera?"

I took in the sight of Roger and Trevor, currently sprawled across the entire parlor and wrestling with Rigel. "I am, I think they would love it."

"Some Italian nonsense no doubt." Lights sniffed, turning the page of his paper. "All to get me dressed up in tails and a top hat."

"And to get Sylvie in a fine dress." I shrugged, "But if you don't want to go see Gilbert and Sullivan we can leave you here."

That caught his attention. "Gilbert and Sullivan?"

"Yes, but since you're not interested-"

"Oh be quiet, you know you've got me. Which one? Pinafore? Mikado?"

"Only the best, The Pirates of Penzace." I chuckled, seeing him smile. "And if you don't know every single word to the Major General song I shall be highly put out."

"How dare you? I've information vegetable, animal and mineral." Lights had sprung to his feet at that, his eyes alight.

I smirked, "Yes, but do you know the kings of England and quote the fights historical?" He laughed at that, then set out to wrangle his children into their newest finery. When I had rang Mother earlier with my idea, worried that I would be embarrassing the Lightollers by taking them somewhere where they would stand out like a sore thumb, she had dismissed me.

Her voice had been tinny over the telephone, "When we took them shopping I got them all new clothes, as my personal present." She chuckled, "I even got an emerald necklace for Sylvie and told her it was paste, just so she wouldn't feel bad about taking it. I do think this is a wonderful idea though, although I will request that you leave Rigel at home. I don't think he'd enjoy Gilbert and Sullivan."

So it was that Rigel was the only one in the house not getting ready for an exciting New Year's Eve. As much as Roger and Trevor had complained about getting scrubbed and wearing their new suits, they did look quite adorable in them. Will had left off his uniform, remarking as he came down in his dinner jacket that it wouldn't be fair to Charles, who hadn't brought his formal one and would be wearing his fine new suit. Sylvie, stunning in a hunter green gown of silk that set the emeralds around her neck to sparkling, even had a gold handled walking stick to carry with her tonight. She lifted it to show me, "Your mother insisted, she didn't even ask why I used one."

"You deserve it." I admired the engraving on it, "She'll be glad to see you with it."

Sylvie tapped the cane against the floor, "She's coming?"

"She adores Gilbert and Sullivan." I smiled, adjusting my sapphires around my neck. I had donned a gown of navy silk, layers of shimmering silver beads flowing down ruffles of chiffon. Although that was hidden as I drew my opera cape over my shoulders, Sylvie having been leant one of mine. I had already arranged that it would find its way into her trunk when they left, along with the emerald comb in her hair. I could see the boys were wide eyed at what was happening, riding in a carriage through a snowy city and ushered by fine dressed servants into an opera house.

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