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I kept a tight hold of Rigel's leash as the car pulled up to Pier 54, my heart beating happily in my chest. I was glad to leave New York, to final be going to see Will, and I fear I would have blinded everyone with my smile if not for the veil that had been pulled down over my face. I had managed to beg one nice dress and hat out of Peggy, although they were some of the Paris pieces from last year so I was a bit out of date.

But I hardly cared, I was going to see Will and everything was wonderful. Even Rigel seemed happy as we entered the Cunard offices, climbing up to poshly appointed waiting area that they had set aside for their first class passengers. I snorted as I corrected myself, saloon class passengers.

Quite a few other notables were already gathered around; I recognized Frohman from the theaters, the Champagne King of New York, and even a few faces that I hadn't seen in years. And of course, there were reporters. They circulated slowly among the passengers, and I drew my veil a bit tighter. The last thing I wanted to do was speak to them. They would bring up Titanic, I had no doubt about that and I did not want to discuss that.

So when one passed by me, I turned away slightly and gazed off towards the ship that would shortly be ferrying me to my husband. Lusitania really was a lovely ship, even I did wrinkle my nose at the abundance of funnels on her. Those distracted from her beautiful lines, although part of me shivered when I looked the bridge, remembering the story the Olympic officers had told of the wave that ruined that same bridge a few years ago.

I doubted anyone else standing here knew that, and part of me was glad to have a little bit of gossip to share during dinner.

I was still caught up in gazing at the ship when a hand reached out and gently tugged at my veil, threatening to upset my hat. I whirled to face the person, only to find Alfred smirking at me. "I thought that might be you, Anastasia."

I was doubly glad for the veil so he couldn't me blush, "Alfred, keep quiet. I don't want reporters bothering me. How did you know it was me anyway?"

He rolled his eyes. "Who else in New York goes everywhere with a giant black dog?" He looked down to Rigel who panted happily. "Besides, Oscar told me I was to guard you with my life or he would never forgive me."

"Oscar worries too much." I shrugged, seeing the flutter of activity as passengers were being directed to board. "It's going to be fine. Honestly, you'd think we were going out in a fishing boat and shooting at any periscope we see with how what he's acting like."

"Yes, we're only going to be on one of the most well known British ships, a symbol of the Empire, headed into a warzone." Alfred snorted, "You should at least have some concern for your own welfare."

"I do." I shot back, headed for the gangway. "And I have complete faith that we will arrive in Liverpool unmolested."

"Well, perhaps I should go speak to Captain Turner and assure myself of that, again." Alfred chuckled as he followed. A flock of stewards were ready to assist the oncoming guests, and one swiftly detached himself to tend to me.

He extended a hand, "Welcome aboard, ma'am, shall I take him to the kennels?"

"No," I kept my hand around Rigel's leash. "He'll be staying with me for the trip."

"That's highly unusual." The steward pursed his lips. "Surely it would make your travels easier if he was in the care of our staff for the crossing. I can assure you, they're well trained and will provide the utmost care."

I glanced down to Rigel, who peered back up at me with his tongue lolling out. "He may take his meals in the kennels, but he will spend the rest of the time with me." I gestured toward the purser, currently directing stewards on where to take passengers. "Perhaps you could ask the purser for the directions to my cabin. Anastasia Murdoch, I have the ticket if you require it."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now