A Raider's Early Demise

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I watched as Morris paced the parlor, his uniform pressed and his hat in his hands. He glanced to the standing clock again, only three minutes after since the last time he had looked over. "You're certain she's coming?"

"Yes," I sighed, "Morris, sit. And she won't be able to be here for long, you know."

"I know, I know." He sat, his feet still dancing and he ran his hand through his hair. "I just, I want to see her, even if it's just for a few minutes."

"Well, it will be longer than that." I chuckled, "Maybe an hour."

"An hour?" Morris reached for the plate of cookies that had been left out, picking up a shortbread one. He took a bite, "This is quite good."

"It's a family recipe, from Will's side." I smiled, remembering making them in the kitchen with Mrs. Vangerten last night. She had told me she could manage if I told her the recipe, but I had told her I would always help with those.

I wanted to make sure I remembered everything, for when Will came back.

"Ma'am, Mrs. Reichster is here." Peggy poked her head into the parlor, a smile on her lips and an eyebrow raised.

I stood, moving in front of Morris who had leapt to his feet. "Thank you, Peggy, please send her in." She didn't move for a moment, a smirk on her lips as she glanced to Morris. "We will be alright, you're more than welcome to tell everyone they can have a break."

She left with a snort, and was quickly replaced by Sophie who barreled into the room. Adam was swiftly shoved into my arms as she hurled herself at Morris, pressing kisses to his cheek. "Oh, you're here, you're here!"

He held her close, running his hand through her hair. "Shhh, it's alright. It's alright, everything is fine. I'm here."

I moved back to my seat, looking down at Adam. His hair had grown longer, but it was still soft, and his blue eyes were bright and watched me with interest. "I think your mama is very happy."

Sophie whirled, a few tears on her cheeks. "Anastasia, thank you, thank you so much." And then it was my cheek being kissed, which I laughed off as she took her son back. "You have no idea what it means to me to be able to see him again."

"I think I might," I chuckled, watching as Adam finally noticed the other person in the room. "When Will gets home you probably won't see me for several weeks."

"Is this your son?" Morris leaned over, dangling a finger above Adam's face. "He's a big boy."

"Yes, this is Adam" Sophie rocked him slightly, although Adam seemed fixated on Morris's finger. She smiled, "I think he likes you."

"May I?" Morris held out his arms, and she settled Adam into them. He lifted Adam up, a wide smile on his face as Adam squealed.

Sophie almost started forward, "Be careful!"

"Don't worry, I did this with my cousins all the time." He swiftly pulled Adam down, blowing a raspberry against his stomach. Adam squealed with laughter, and Morris was laughing himself as he blew another one. Even Sophie started smiling, and I couldn't help myself either.

I could so easily see Will doing that, myself as the concerned mother and our child laughing as they were tickled and passed back and forth. The corners of my smile trembled, and I had to turn away so Sophie and Morris didn't see me have to take a few calming breaths. I wanted that, I wanted that so badly. I wanted a child, my husband home and safe, and both of us playing with our baby. I wanted it so badly that I ached, and to hear the two of them softly talking as Adam was rocked in Morris's arms made me want to run from the room because it wasn't Will holding my baby.

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