Renewing Acquaintances

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Mother apparently trusted us well enough to let us handle some of the calls on our own, which is why Will and I were currently ensconced in the carriage as it rocked towards the main towns of Newport. Will looked out the window, taking in the sunny beach that was currently being ignored in favor of tea with the Vanderbilts. They were one of the families with not only a massive house, but a massive set of grounds that we were currently turning away from the beach for. Will watched as the massive iron gate was swiftly opened by two uniformed guards, the carriage grinding through a gravel drive as we moved into the shaded tunnel of trees that led to their house. I felt his hand grip mine tightly, "Ana, what is this place? It feels like we're going to a palace."

"This is Newport, and we essentially are." I squeezed his hand back, "You don't have to watch out the whole time, you know."

"What else could I do? It's all so much."

"You could kiss me, Will. We've got at least ten minutes before we reach the house." I giggled as he immediately turned, whipping his head around so quickly I thought he must have hurt himself. He quickly proved he hadn't though, pressing his lips to mine roughly and wrapping his hands around my shoulders. God, there was nothing like when he would groan into my mouth, when I could feel his tongue stroke over mine. I almost melted against him, wishing that we had time for more than just a kiss. I had tried to touch myself after the day where I had pleasured him, but my monthly had arrived and my plans were ruined.

Instead I had spent that night in a hot bath, cursing Eve for giving me this monthly pain. To say that Will was concerned when I had sent down word the next morning that I was not feeling well was an understatement. He actually came into my room himself, despite Peggy's, and Mother's, insistence that it was improper for him to enter the room of an ill lady. They decided they could at least stand in the door to ensure he was respectable. I had almost wept when he had knelt by my bed, placing his hand on my forehead to see if I had a fever. I had sniffed, "Will, it's nothing."

"Ana, you're flushed. Let me get you something, or call a doctor. It must have been something you ate last night." He shifted himself to sit on the bed, and I heard Mother gasp at his breach of propriety. "Ana, please, let me get the doctor from Newport. I'm sure there's an auto he can take, he can be here soon. I can't have you sick."

I could see Peggy covering her mouth, and Mother had a rather large grin on her face. "Will, really. I'll be fine."

"Ana, if there's a chance that you might be sick, I am getting a doctor." He took my hands, leaning down. His eyes were rather wild, and I could hear a break in his voice. "If you're sick, I am getting a doctor. I'm not losing you like I did Ada."

I felt my own voice break, "Oh, oh W-Will." I sobbed, dropping my face down to his hands. I couldn't stop myself from kissing them as I did, even as I felt the tears come. He was so kind, and he obviously cared so much. It was just so sweet of him, and I didn't deserve to have him here, his arms around me as he gently rocked me back and forth.

I could hear the confusion in his voice, "Ana, Ana why are you crying? Let me call for the doctor, everything will be alright."

"Mr. Murdoch," Mother sounded closer now, and I felt her hand on my back alongside Will's. "This is simply women's trouble. She will be alright in a few days, the first ones are the worst for her."

His hands stilled, "Ah, oh. Is, is there anything I can do?" He gave my shoulder's a squeeze, pressing a kiss to my head that was still bent over his hands. "Would you like some tea, Ana? Or perhaps I could read to you?" I started crying even harder at that, just the thought of him willing to be around me when I was like this was just overwhelming. I felt his arms slide around me, "Ana, there's no need to cry, love."

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