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AN: So, I decided to change where the Christmas Interlude goes to make the story flow more chronologically. I also added in some stuff, so it has a little more than it originally did. Original AN below.

Well here's a fun little bit of Christmas fluff, so sweet it might just rot your teeth. Also the longest thing I've written for this story. And a bit of ambiance to play while you read, just remove the spaces, or it's the first result if you google ASMR Edwardian Christmas. www . youtube . com watch?v =fd2WvjydDIc&list= PL60VEjtIzlZf SgXQH-yoBolDjJoFf1lQ_ &index=58&t=25s

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I was quite happy this Christmas. Well, it was almost Christmas, the night before actually. The tree had been put up in the parlor, covered in ornaments and tinsel. Mother had closed up the Fifth Avenue house and come down to stay with Will and I in the dock house. The staff from the other house had been freed from their duties for the holiday and even the staff here was reduced, free to spend time with their families. If they had no one though, we opened up our pantry for their own Christmas feast. I hummed along to the song on the phonograph as I draped a ribbon around the edge of the tree's branches. Presents had already been piled around the base, aside from a few early gifts we had given each other to use during our Christmas celebrations.

"The Hallelujah chorus?" Will's voice cut through my humming, he had brought an armful of candles to light the tree with. He left them on a side table, coming over to gently grip my waist and lift me off the chair I was standing on, my own hands on his shoulders. His hands were strong, and I may have leaned forward a bit too much, unbalancing him, so that instead of lifting me, I collapsed onto him. He stumbled back a couple steps, managing to turn it into a spin, and I pressed my lips to his forehead.

I watched the light dance in his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips as he set me onto my feet. I reached to adjust the necktie he was wearing, letting my fingers linger on his chest. "My Will, you've gotten clumsy since you've been laid up here for the winter."

His hands moved from my waist, running along my sides, fingers ghosting over my ribs. I couldn't help the laugh I gave, or the way I struggled in his arms. "Ana, you are a horrible woman, do you know that?" His voice was light though, and I still tried to get away from his tickling fingers, but not very hard. After everything that had happened, sometimes all I wanted was to stay in his arms. Even though he could be incorrigible. And he knew exactly where on my ribs would make me start to shake and generally flail. I ineffectually batted as his chest, almost breathless with laughter.

"Anastasia, William, can't you two behave yourselves?" Mother's voice was calm as she came in, and for once she had left off her mourning. She wasn't due to officially come out for another four months, but in the spirit of the holiday she'd donned a green velvet dress and had her hair dressed with a matching ribbon. I clapped my hands over my mouth, trying to silence the laughs that were still escaping even as his fingers stilled.

Will stepped away, "My apologies Mrs. Dalian, we didn't mean to disturb you."

"Actually, it is nice to hear laughter here again. But really, you're acting like a child, Anastasia dear." She settled into a chair, pulling some sewing from her work basket.

I managed to get my breath back. "I'm sorry Mother, but really it was all him." I gave Will a very large wink, and he gave a chuckle. "We were finishing trimming the tree, all that's left is the candles."

"Please, finish them then. Dinner is going to be ready soon, and I thought you might like to change before, Anastasia." She had begun to work on her sewing, a small block of a large patchwork quilt she had been assembling. I knew part of it was composed of Father's old shirts and suits, we had both contributed some of our old dresses to be cut up. Apparently it was a tradition on Mother's side of the family to use some of the deceased's clothing and your own to make a quilt, a way to keep them by you.

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