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When the session resumed, I felt the nervousness clawing its way into my gut. The Links were on either side of me, but it gave me no peace. I remained standing after the judge entered, escorted to the witness stand by Rhett. I tried to focus myself on the bailiff swearing my in, doing my best to intone my oath as best I could. Then it was time for me to smooth my skirt as I sat down, looking through my veil at Rhett. He gave me a smile, "Miss Dalian, thank you for taking the stand today. It is not an easy thing to do. If I may ask, would you mind removing your veil?"

"No, I would not." I plucked the veil from below my chin, sweeping it back over the brim of my hat. A gasp echoed through the gallery as my bruised face was revealed, although all I was focused on was Will. He held my gaze as he swallowed, then nodded. I couldn't help but smile a bit, Mother had her hand gripped around his arm.

Rhett waited until the gasp had settled. "Thank you Miss Dalian, I take it you suffered that injury in the attack?"

"I did, when I was struck and fell."

"And you suffered a concussion from the fall, correct?"

"Yes, I was insensible for a time and it took awhile to be recover even a little from it."

The jury muttered slightly at that, and I heard pens scratching across paper. Rhett chuckled a bit. "Well I am certainly glad that you have recovered enough to be here today. Now, could you describe your initial meeting with Mr. Perry?"

"Yes, my fiancé and I were returning from Britain. We offered assistance to his wife, she was suffering from seasickness during a storm. She later cut me at a tea, having discerned who my fiancé was. The second time I saw Mr. Perry was at the engagement party of Zachary Reichster."

"And did you interact with him at all?"

"No, I did not. He had brought some of his," I smiled a bit. "Employees to the party and I did not want to involve myself with them."

"He did not seek you out?"

"No, but he did send someone to annoy a friend and I." I couldn't help the derision in my voice. "He implied that we were some of his 'girls' and that we were available for assignations. The man decided to proposition us. We set him straight." That set off a titter among the gallery, although I could see Perry muttering to Rhys.

Rhett was laughing under his breath. "And have you interacted with Mr. Perry since?"

"No, this has been my most recent interaction."

"So, you met the man once." Rhett began to pace in front of the stand. "His wife clearly has some kind of bone to pick with you, he set out to humiliate you at a party, it's not too far of a leap to think that he may have felt slighted in some way and decided to act out."

"Objection!" Rhys leapt up, "That's clearly speculation."

"Sustained." Judge Withers glanced down, "Keep yourself to the facts, Mr. Link."

"Of course," Rhett nodded his head, although he whipped it around quick when the door to the courtroom opened. A young clerk, clutching a file, rushed up to the bar and passed the file to Dalton. Rhett snorted, "Actually Your Honor, I will need a moment to consult with my brother." At the judge's nod he moved over to the table, discussing something with Dalton briefly before coming back. "I hate to bring this up Your Honor, but I am afraid that the prosecution will be filing an injunction against one of the attendees in the gallery today."

"What?" Rhys snorted. "Someone offend your delicate sensibilities?"

"Actually," Dalton picked up a piece of paper as he moved to the middle of the floor. "There was an attempt at witness tampering during the recess." A murmur erupted in the gallery, and I could see Mr. Reichster's eyes narrow. "We would like to file an injunction against Henry Reichster so that he can no longer approach Miss Dalian."

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