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Back from their latest training cruise, Will hardly had time to sit down in his cabin before he was summoned to see Admiral Huntington. He was still hastily tying his tie into a fresh knot when he was admitted into the admiral's office, who regarded him with a smile. "Captain Murdoch, I trust things proceeded well."

"Very well." Will stood up straighter. "I could not be more pleased by the refit to the Unicorn."

"The engines performed well with the new system?"

"According to my engineers they ran at their normal rate with a greater efficiency in fuel usage." Will couldn't help a bit of pride at that. "We were able to stay out much longer on the fuel oil."

"I'm aware of that," Huntington chuckled, then gestured for him to sit. "That destroyer wasn't pleased to have been sent back to act as a collier for the others."

"I'm quite sure her commander will get over it." Will sat, keeping his posture upright. "If I may ask, why did you have me summoned sir? I could have sent you a report on our performance."

Huntington leaned back, clearly eyeing him. "What about the gunnery?"

"The men continue to improve." Will shifted, "They show great improvement with the fire control."

"Your hit rate?"

"On the nearer targets, we can achieve fifteen to twenty percent. On the farthest targets, at the maximum range of our guns, five percent." Will pursed his lips, resisting the urge to twist his hands. "We can improve further, Admiral, I assure you."

Huntington held up his hand, "Those are perfectly respectable percentages, Captain Murdoch. In fact, if those percentages can be reliably maintained during your time in Rosyth, then the Unicorn will prove a hugely important asset to the First Battlecruiser Squadron."

Will furrowed his brow, "Sir, you don't mean you think we're ready to head up for active service?"

"Oh yes," Huntington snorted, shaking his head. "Personally, I would allow you a few more cruises, but Beatty has been hammering at me to send you up. Which means that once you're refueled and reprovisioned, you'll be heading up to Rosyth with your escorts in order to join up with the squadron."

Will swallowed. "I'll inform my officers, sir."

"It will be a day or two to get the ship ready, have all the men know where to have their sweethearts send their mail." He snickered, looking very much like a little boy for a moment. "Sometimes it seems like we load more mail than food."

"I've had enough experience with mail to last me a lifetime." Will stood, nodding to Huntington. "With your permission?"

The Admiral waved his hand, dismissing him. "Go write your wife, although I'd tell her to leave off with the trousers if she comes to visit you up there. I doubt it would go over well."

Will blushed a bit at that, and ducked his head as he left the office to hide it. The last thing he needed at the moment was to be thinking of Ana in trousers, not if he was to take his ship up to Rosyth. He remembered the docks, the trip up the Firth of Forth past Edinburgh, and the pub he had enjoyed.

He also remembered the career Navy men there.

Bligh was bad enough to deal with, and he was only the captain of a destroyer! Now Will would have to deal with men commanding battleships and admirals, all of whom knew each other for years before the war started. He'd be an outsider yet again, a target for any man looking to advance his own career. Will hardly cared about his own career, but he knew he was the rarity. Men would give their front teeth to be in his position, and he had no doubt that there would be whispers that a ship like the Unicorn would be better off in the care of a man who actually knew what he was doing.

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