A Slight Discomfort

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Waking up curled next to Will was fast becoming my favorite part of being married, especially when I was still exhausted from the night before. He would make small noises and shift, pulling me closer or moving closer to me himself. I sighed as he did so, running my hand up his chest. What we had worn to bed had been discarded in the early hours of the morning when we had decided that we needed to engage in the act again. Surprisingly, I wasn't as sore as I expected, but rather tired. Will stirred beneath my hand, "Hmmm, Ana."

I giggled as he rolled over, trapping me beneath his weight for a moment before he lifted himself. "Good morning, my love."

"What time is it?" He shifted, trying to see the clock by the bed. "Half nine, ah." He rolled onto his back, bringing me with so I was draped over his chest. One hand kept stroking my back, "I don't suppose you have anything you want to do today."

"Not particularly." I mumbled, relishing in the touch of his hand. "Do you?"

He chuckled, "I want to stay in this bed with you all day." He brought his hand up to pass through my hair. "Give me a moment to call down and arrange for some food, and I'll have them let Reggie and Louise know they have the day to themselves. Hell, I'll give the both of them some pocket money for the day." I made to get up after him as he rose, grabbing a blanket to wrap around his waist. He froze, looking down at me. "What are you doing?"

"I was going to get the money," I shifted up, looking at him. "And I wanted to retrieve something from a hatbox and use the lavatory. Am I allowed to do that?"

He snorted. "Get what you want and use the facilities, but then I want you back in that bed. We're not leaving it all day after all."

"What about food?"

"We'll call down for it and have them leave it in the sitting room."

"Which I am not allowed to be in, if I cannot get out of bed."

"Ana," He came over, cupping my cheek. "I will bring everything to you and feed you like I was the favorite of some great empress."

I laughed at that. "I am far from an empress, although you are my favorite." I did not wrap anything around myself as I slipped over to the bathroom, and I took a moment to study myself in the mirror. Will had taken to leaving small marks on my skin, where they could be hidden by my clothes but he could easily see when we were alone. I brushed my fingers over one that he had left just under my left breast, it didn't hurt at all even though the skin was slightly red.

I took the time to brush my hair, and moved back to the bedroom. A certain hatbox had been left by Louise yesterday, I had asked her for it, and I quickly had it open. The gifts for Will's family, fans, cigarette cases, silk handkercheifs and more, were pushed aside as I felt under the tissue paper. I wrapped my fingers around the slim volume, carrying it with me to the bed. While I could never say it to Morgan's face, I thanked her silently as I paged through the text. There were so many ideas, things that I would never have thought to try. I glanced towards the sitting room door, still shut as Will handled business over the telephone in there.

I huffed as I settled into my reading, every scene making me wish dearly that Will would come back in and take some inspiration from the book. As I kept reading, I let my hand begin to wander, gently touching each mark Will had left on me before sliding over my breast and teasing my nipple. I gave a slight gasp as it hardened under my palm, then I groaned as I found myself wishing it was Will's hand. His calloused skin was far more pleasurable to feel than my smooth hand, and I twisted in bed, wishing he was back.

When the latch of the door sounded, I popped up immediately. Will, his blanket still around his waist, smiled. "The food is here, Your Majesty."

"Wonderful," I chuckled, "Bring it here, servant." I could't keep up the charade much longer as Will wound up wheeling a tea trolley in, and I broke down laughing. "We're having tea in bed?"

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