Almost to the Race

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AN: Well, I felt like I should give some kind of gift after last chapter. Hence the second half of this one. Enjoy. ;)

Mother didn't say much when I spent the next week sailing with Will or swimming in the cove. Liz and Oscar joined us in the cove one day, although Liz had a harder time of keeping up with me. I spun over onto my back, content to simply float for awhile. She was treading water, her head barely above the surface. I laughed, "Just lay back and wave your arms to keep you up, it's much easier."

"It's easier if you're half fish." She complained, although she managed to get herself onto her back without drowning. "Are you and Will sailing the yacht to town in the morning?"

"Yes, we want to get in early, especially since the Astors want us to stop by before the regatta and the races." I sighed, dreading having to wake up early the next day. It seemed we had barely gotten to Newport and already the season was ending, the races the last event of the summer. And the Anastasia had her sea trials coming up, we had to be back to the city soon. Although it would mean Moody would be coming back, I'd already wired to let him know he was perfectly welcome to stay in the dock house until the officer's quarters on the ship were ready. It would be good to see him again, I'd like to see him happy. He'd already been through so much, I would do what I could to help him.

Liz blew water from her lips, "You're joining us for the big race though, right?"

"Oscar would kill me if we didn't." I rolled my eyes, shutting them briefly as the sun was very bright today. Our mothers had sworn us to no more than an hour out in the water, but Will and Oscar had not gotten such restrictions. Oscar was currently diving as far down as he could, seeing if he could find any shells on the sandy floor, while Will was content to swim laps around the cove, using the waves to assist him. I watched him greedily, he developed a bit of a tan during our stay and watching his strong arms propel him through the surf was a delight that I would never tire of. I sighed, "I don't suppose you've heard anything about our newly engaged friend?"

"They'll be there," She muttered, "Although it will just be him, her and her brothers. Samantha is staying home to take care of her husband, he was mugged and received a rather nasty wound while defending himself." She looked to me, winking broadly. "At least that's what Mother said."

I couldn't help the grin on my face, "I take it you didn't tell her?"

"Anastasia, you know she gossips like a mother hen." She snorted, "So no, I did not tell her that William came running up with a bloody sword drawn while he cursed at Oscar about leaving you." She waited for a moment, her voice softening. "What happened though? You don't have to tell, if it's too much."

"It wasn't good," I allowed, my words halting. "If Will hadn't shown up, we probably wouldn't be able to be out here right now."

"Jesus Christ." Liz spat, returning to treading water instead of floating. "Come on, don't think about it anymore. I shouldn't have asked, let's just enjoy the last bit of time we have."

I followed her, "Race you to the lighthouse?"

"I stopped racing you when I was fourteen." She shook her head, but began pulling for it. I followed, trying to let her have a bit of a lead, making sure that I could see her black swimming costume through the water. She was so slow though, and I was getting tossed about a bit trying to let her win. So I began pulling harder, overtaking her just before we reached the rocks by the lighthouse. Liz clutched one, "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

"Well, if you would just swim right." I grinned, "Want to race back?"

"Hardly, I'll be walking." Liz let go of her rock, gently swimming to the shore and climbing out. I kept pace with her in the water as she strolled back to where our parents were, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt enjoying a cold drink with Mother under an umbrella while the younger lot enjoyed themselves.

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