The Second Anniversary

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Lights arrived three days before Will did and immediately made himself at home. He chose the set of rooms Samuel had recently vacated, saying with a grin. "I intend to use every set of rooms that I can, have to figure out which are the best after all. I don't suppose you two would mind letting me use your bedroom at some point?"

I gave him a glare, "I am hardly letting you into my bed, Charles Lightoller."

He chuckled, "Well, I'd bring Sylvie with me for that trip. I'm sure she would love to see how soft it is." Judging by the smirk on his face he was only joking, but it still felt rather dangerous, as if he would jump on the chance to kick me out of my bed if he could. Or maybe he just wanted to tease Will about how he spent some time in his bed. But he did seem content with the rooms he had chosen, sleeping most of the afternoon away.

I glanced up as he arrived in the dining room, "Finally awake?"

"You've no idea how wonderful it is to be able to sleep as long as you like." He sat, casting an eye at the beef and barley soup laid out for dinner. "And here I thought I was going to get wined and dined."

"I didn't know you were coming."

"No, but you did have time to arrange for something fancier." He smirked, reaching over and picking up a ladle to fill his bowl. "But we have time for that, as well as some shopping."

I sighed, stirring my own bowl. "Shopping, really?"

"Well, I happened to have heard you took your last guest to Tiffany's." He raised an eyebrow, "Although I would much prefer diamonds to emeralds."

I reached over and swatted his arm, making him jerk away from the plate of rolls he had been reaching for. "You should be glad you have a roof over your head!"

"And I am incredibly grateful for that!" He snatched a roll, buttering it with a surly look at me. "And I wouldn't be shopping for myself, it would be for Sylvie. I only thought that if you took your father-in-law shopping that you might look kindly on setting out with your brother-in-law."

"Lights," I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'll consider it, alright?"

"I suppose so, although can we go somewhere for dinner tomorrow? Unless you're willing to set out a large spread for a poor sailor used to whatever slop his captain deigns to give him."

"We can go to dinner, you can order whatever you like." I shook my head as he grinned, "Although I do have to go down to the offices tomorrow, you can come with."

He rolled his eyes, "And no doubt I'll be stuck twiddling my thumbs while waiting for you." The next morning when we arrived, he at least appeared interested. He'd left his uniform off, instead opting for a dark gray suit, but by being my escort it was fairly clear to everyone that he was rather important. I had been at my desk for less than an hour before he let out a great sigh. "Honestly, I don't know how Will does it. This is so boring."

I snorted, "He doesn't stay in here the whole time, usually he's down on the docks." I stood, looking out the window. "Why don't you head down? I can see your namesake is tied up, I'm sure I can arrange for a tour."

He sprang to his feet, joining me at the window. "Oh, I can get myself onboard, don't you worry about that." He was halfway out the door before he looked back, "And don't plan on leaving me behind, I still want that dinner." I was laughing as I shooed him out the door, and watched from the window as he joined the crowds bustling around my ships. He was easy enough to pick out, and it hardly took him five minutes before the captain was whisking him aboard the Charles.

I enjoyed a lunch in my office while waiting for him, and wound up waiting outside by the carriage for him to reappear. I pursed my lips as he came around a corner, decidedly not from the direction of the docks. "I'm half convinced to not take you to dinner now."

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