Cheering Up

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AN: I am posting this on February 28th 2023, William Murdoch's 150th birthday. Happy Birthday Will!

While Ana hadn't pressed herself tightly against him while she slept, she was still staying close to him come morning. After all, with a guest it wasn't as if they could spend all day in their rooms. Which meant that Ana was heaping her plate with bacon and sausage while Charles regaled them all with tales about Roger and Trevor as he drowned his waffle with syrup. "When the boys heard they had a new sister they threw such a fit I almost threw them into the yard for the night."

"Oh you didn't," Ana laughed, "You wouldn't have done that, would you?"

Charles puffed out his chest, "I would! Especially when they said they would much rather have Rigel back than a sister." Hearing his name, Rigel came padding up, his tongue out ready to snag any scrap that might fall from his plate. "Yes, I was talking about you, you big lug." He leaned down, handing him a piece of bacon. "What I wouldn't give to have you at home right now, at least to keep the boys busy. I think I'll just hide you aboard as a stowaway on my way back."

Will looked up from his plate, "You can't just gift him to us and then take him back."

"Oh I think I can," Light grinned, patting his knees for Rigel to put his paws on his lap. "What do you say, boy? Want to come home with me?" Ana was smiling, and laughing slightly behind her hand, and Will wanted that to continue.

So he set his napkin down, came over, and shoved Charles's chest. "I'm not allowing you to steal my dog."

"He was my dog first." His friend had clearly caught on, "What do you say? Winner gets the dog?"

Will glanced over to Ana, then back to Charles. "What did you have in mind?"

"First to pin the other wins." The words were barely out his mouth before Charles had shoved his chair away, and Will made sure that they could give Ana a show. Not that he was truly worried about losing Rigel, as soon as he grabbed Charles's arm he could tell he was going to throw the match. But Will tugged him into it, wanting to drag it out and cheer her up some more. So they roughhoused like a couple of boys, and Will almost had him pinned before Rigel took notice and romped on over.

Charles spat out his tail. "That's hardly fair!"

"Get him, Rigel!" Ana called, laughter in her voice. "Don't let him get up." Between the two of them, they swiftly had Charles pinned to the floor. He put up a valiant struggle, thrashing his legs and cursing both Will and the dog quite loudly. He conceded though, and Ana rewarded Rigel with a piece of bacon. "Such a good boy."

Lights snorted, "If that's how you reward him, I'm not sure I want to see what Will is going to get."

Will saw her blush slightly, a bit of pink in those pale cheeks and he joined Rigel in sitting in front of Ana. "I should like a reward too, perhaps a kiss?"

"Of course," She leaned down, pressing a peck to his lips. "No bacon?"

"I'd much prefer more of the first."

"And I'd prefer to keep my breakfast down." Charles rolled his eyes, "Honestly, you two need to save that for your room. I'm assuming you'll be getting prepared together?" Ana ducked her head, but Will could see her smile. Breakfast was quickly cleared away and the three of them headed back up. Charles remarked that if he was going to stay up so late then he was going to need a nap, and he gave Will a bump to his shoulder. "And you should be napping too, and tell Anastasia I said that."

He chuckled, "I will." When he opened the door though, he found Ana reading her letters before the fire. His own letters were piled alongside, along with a letter opener. Taking the hint, he sat down and opened his letter from Sylvie. He snorted, "Sylvie sends her thanks for the things we got her in Scotland, apparently little Mavis loves the bonnet you got her."

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