The Duchess

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It had barely been three days before the Vanderbilts had shown up during our visiting hours. A maid had led a grinning Oscar and Liz into the upper parlor, reserved for close family friends, where Will and I had been waiting. Will and I were the only ones home, Mother having received an invitation from Mrs. Astor to come calling, since she had been unable to attend their party due to her mourning. Truth be told, visiting hours were utterly boring until someone showed up, I had been reading while Will worked on the finishing touches for his model. It had grown quickly under his hands, small canvas sails taut against an imaginary breeze. Even his tiny knots were well made, and I was already planning where to put it in the parlor back in New York. It would look quite nice on the mantel. But my book was quickly discarded as the maid opened the door, ushering our guests in. "Liz! I didn't think you'd be here today."

"Well, you can blame my brother here." She rolled her eyes back at Oscar, "He's been dying to take your William out in his new racing auto, and he found some tiny horse race out here."

"The quality of the horseflesh is not lacking, I assure you." Oscar almost growled at his sister, "If anything it's better than New York." He gave Will a grin though, "You should see my auto though, I brought it so we could leave the ladies here with the other. In case they wanted to go shopping after they gossip for hours on end."

Will barked out a laugh at that, "If you're sure."

"Of course I am William," He waved his cap in his hand, "You're spending far too much time with your ladies, you need to come spend some time with the other half of our set."

Will did look to me though, his eyebrows raised. I waved my hand, "Go Will, have fun. It will all be fine." I was actually glad to see him join Oscar, the younger man clapping Will on the shoulder as they headed out, already speaking about cars and horses. I had no doubt Will would come back with his wallet a bit lighter, but hopefully the two of them could bond over it. I'd replace whatever he lost, it would be nothing. But in the meantime, Liz quickly drew me into a conversation. She wanted to know everything that had gone on in New York, especially the dress. I was completely exasperated when I reached the end of my description. "I swear Liz, my mother has lost her mind."

"Oh, but all those pearls!" Liz rolled her eyes, "And you know pearls suit you. Just think what Mr. Murdoch will do when he sees you in it. He'll probably faint dead away!"

My face flushed a bit, Will would probably pull me aside somewhere and not wait for the wedding night. "Oh, I doubt that."

"I can see your face, what exactly have you two gotten up to?" Liz raised her eyebrows, smirking. "Tell me Anastasia, please, I am dying for something. This season has been so boring after, well, what happened in April. Everyone has been so serious."

"We've just kissed." I shook my head, hoping to lose my blush. "Although he has touched me."


I placed my hand just above my breasts, where I could feel the curve of them begin. "Here." And that wasn't a lie, he had touched me there, if only briefly as he had dropped his hand down to knead at my actual breast. "It's so lovely to feel his hands when he kisses me."

"All I've usually feel when a man kisses me is a desire for it to be over." Liz snorted as she settled back into her chair, "Although there is a slight warmness to it, but they usually taste like whiskey." She screwed her face up, "Don't you dare tell Oscar, he'll stop me from seeing any man for a month."

"Of course, as long as you don't tell my mother that I let Will touch me." I nodded, "Who exactly have you been kissing?"

"Oh, Gregory Astor, Ralph Fish, and I did kiss my cousin Alfred once." At my shocked look she laughed, "I was just curious and he offered! Don't you dare tell my mother." Well, how could I when we both had secrets to keep? We had just started discussing the exact methods the different men employed when a maid entered, a silver tray in her hands that she proffered to me as she bobbed. I lifted the card, my mind suddenly muddled.

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