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Will's new valet in training was dedicated to his new position, taking Will's measurements and returning with an absolutely absurd number of shirts, jackets, coats and hats. Will took to hiding in my sitting room when the man came looking for him, usually with a book in his hand or tugging me into a corner. I had laughed when he pulled me into a corner where you would not be able to see it when the door opened. "Will, it's just clothes."

"It's too much Ana, far too much. He brought out top hats just now, just samples to see which design looks best on me." He pressed his lips to my shoulder, covered by my dress. "It's been nothing but clothes and lectures on how I was using the wrong fork for the main course last night."

I chuckled, squeezing his shoulders. "What do you think the first sixteen years of my life were? Just be glad you don't have to learn to dance a quadrille."

"Oh God, he did mention he wanted to see us dance in case some correction was needed." Will rose from where he had been leaning over me, casting a look around. "But this is the most we've been able to be alone for a week and a half, and I intend to take advantage of it." His hands dropped to my waist, drifting even farther to clutch at my backside and pull me flush to him.

I pressed myself to him, wishing I could stay. "You're going with Ezekiel to the shipyard today, remember? And I have to get the last fitting done on my dress before the party Saturday."

"We haven't read any poetry for awhile, Ana." He rumbled against me, and I couldn't resist letting one of my legs drift up and wrap around his legs. "And I want you Ana, but your damn servants." He had made his first trip out on the town, by himself, to arrange for a delivery of poetry volumes within the first five days of being here. It had necessitated a shift in the library, although he kept several volumes for his own rooms. He had left one in my sitting room the other day, a page containing a rather lusty poem marked. I had read it, flame cheeked, and then returned it to his, my own selection marked for him. That had been the most salacious our contact had gotten.

"I know, I know." I muttered against him, "Too industrious by far."

"Haven't even been able to kiss you like I want." He reared back, staring down. I felt my lips drop open, an invitation that he swiftly took advantage of as his lips crashed into mine. It was not the most refined kiss, our teeth clacked together at one point and our noses were an obstacle, but it was the most I had had from him since we had returned. Peggy had been fanatical about escorting me to bed, ensuring that Will only gave me a chaste kiss before going to his own rooms. At first she had even set a footman to guarding the hallway between our rooms, especially after Mother had left. Now she only had him make regular rounds, or she sent a maid up to ensure that I was alone in my rooms at night.

The nightmares hadn't returned, I had just had so much to deal with that it seemed they had fled. Fittings for my dress, a trip to the jewelers to finally have my ring resized, approving the flower arrangements and the menu. Filling out the invitations had taken a solid three days, leaving my hand cramped and ink-stained by the end of it. Part of me thought it was the activity, but when I had been alone before the activity had done nothing to alleviate my dreams.

It was Will.

Having him by me, listening to his stories about meeting Mr. Keller and the office staff as Abraham had brought him around to be introduced. He had read aloud to me while I had filled out the invitations, although he despaired of our library and let me know it. Apparently we had too many history books, not what he preferred to read. His poetry trip had remedied that, although he had also brought his half completed model up the library, placing it out on a table and working on it when he had a moment during the day. I would join him, watched by a maid as I handed him pieces and questioned him about his construction. We would sit across from each other in the dining room every evening, enjoying a simple dinner each night. And then it was upstairs to our separate rooms. Even without his arms around me at night, the knowledge that he was so close, that I could call for him if I needed and he would come, was comforting.

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