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AN: So, bit of warning for this chapter. Ana is not in a good place, mentally, and has a very vivd nightmare about what might have happened if she had been kidnapped. Read with caution.

Nightmares can come at you at any time, even after a wonderful day. Once your eyes close, every harsh word, every mean spirited comment, it will come and circle around your mind. No matter what words of praise you've been given, they fade to nothing in the dark. I knew that I was in a nightmare when I found myself staring at Evan Perry behind his desk, smiling and leaning back in his chair. I knew it was not real, that it was merely my mind conjuring up what could have happened. I knew that I was asleep in my own bed, with Will by my side, and that I would wake up there. I dug my fingers into my palm, willing myself to wake up.

But there was nothing I could do.

Perry hardly seemed to notice, it seemed he could hardly contain his glee. "You are to be polite, acquiescing, gentle and refined. You are to allow our friend anything he desires, you are not to balk or scream or cry. For every time you do, that will be another day I will keep you here. And you would not be my honored guest then, you would have to earn your keep. Unless you truly displease him, in which case I may just have my men throw you on your doorstep, after letting every patron have their go at you. They can get quite vicious when offered something for free." His hand was tight as he reached across, gripped my chin and forced my gaze up. "So don't displease him, darling, for you will not enjoy anything that comes after if you do."

He chuckled. "You know, I once told Henry that I thought you could earn me a thousand a night." He pinched my cheeks, smiling widely. "If you don't do as your told, we'll see if I'm right." He gave my cheek a pat. "And remember, Miss Dalian, if you displease me or my guest, I'll send my men to your house. It would be a shame for your servants, and that damn dog, to suffer because of you."

It took everything I had to look him in the eye. "I understand, Mr. Perry. I will do my best."

"Good," He rose, moving to a door behind his desk and opening it. A girl stepped in, dressed in her underclothes and looking to him. He gestured to me. "Get her washed and dressed, and do something with her hair."

"Of course, sir." She nodded, then looked to me. "If you will follow me?" Fortunately she didn't lead me through the front, I had seen enough of the debauchery that was awaiting me when I had been brought in. Instead we took a servant's staircase, winding around the back of the place until we emerged into a well appointed room. It was large, with windows looking out over the lights of Coney Island. It was a far cry from what I assumed the rest of the place looked like, with dark cherry wood floors, red silk on the walls and finely carved furniture. The main focus, though, was the bed. It was massive, with ruby silk hangings and blankets.

Every bit of red only made me surer about who I was being cleaned up for.

"There's a bathtub in here," The girl moved to a bathroom attached to the main room. "I'll help you wash." Unlike Louise, who commonly kept up a stream of conversation as she helped me change, this girl was quiet as she stripped me and put my clothes aside. The water smelled cloyingly of roses, and was hot enough to make my skin flush. I had just closed my eyes when she came back, grabbing a cloth and rubbing it against my back. "I know you're not here by choice, Miss, but it really won't be so bad."

I snorted. "How can you say that? Were you kidnapped and brought to please some awful man?"

"No, I came here on my own." She sighed, "The first time is always the worst, but they're usually quick. Just make a lot of noise, writhe around and breathe loudly, they usually feel quite pleased with themselves if you do that."

"So comforting." I groused as I dunked my head under the water. I briefly considered staying under, letting myself drown, but I knew the girl wouldn't let me. I brushed the water from my eyes when I came back up. "What's your name anyway?"

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now