Christmas Visitors

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It had taken a trip to the Bishops for us to be able to tromp through the forest, looking for a Christmas tree. Will had assured Lyle that he could handle an axe and drag back a tree, while I had been drug around by Ellen to meet all the animals. They had several cows in addition to the horses and all of them had calves that bawled as soon as they saw us. A number of sheep were also housed in the large barn, along with a large dog to protect them when they went out. Chickens clucked around the floor of the barn, pecking at anything they saw.

All of them had names and Ellen had taught me every single one before I was finally able to make my escape.

But in the end, Lyle lent Will his axe and we were deemed skilled enough to not accidentally hit each other with it. Then we had started hiking through the woods, searching for just the right tree. We couldn't handle a large one, but the small ones left much to be desired. I was glad that I had been able to sneak out a pair of trousers from Will's trunk to wear, for I wouldn't have been able to scramble through the snow as quickly in a skirt. Rigel was more than happy to accompany us, for is there was anything he loved as much as swimming, it was snow.

He never seemed to tire of romping through it, clearing paths for us to follow. It took some time, but we finally managed to find an area of new growth that had plenty of trees to choose from. Then it became deciding what exactly we wanted. I was elaborating on my reasons for a full tree when Will sighed, "We're going to have to carry it back, you know."

I furrowed my brow, "So?"

"So, a fuller tree is much heavier. And besides, we don't have that many decorations for it. What have we got, some popcorn strings and some ribbon?" He snorted, then pointed to a relatively young sapling. "This one can manage that just fine."

I pouted, "It won't smell as good!"

"Then I'll cut some branches from other trees on our way back and we can weave them into wreathes." Will hefted the axe, "Now, grab the dog while I get this done." I pursed my lips but held onto Rigel's collar. Wreathes were acceptable, and I could use the ribbon I had gotten to make them look pretty. The chopping was done fairly quick, and soon enough the tree was over Will's shoulder and dragging on the ground as we retraced our steps back to the cabin. I wound up carrying the axe, and with Will's coaching, was able to at least cut a few branches to take with us.

We were both ready for a warm mug of chocolate when we caught site of the front of the cabin, and stopped.

Two large carriages were pulled up with a wagon behind them, and porters were unloading trunks and boxes with an alarming speed. Squinting, I tried to see exactly who had come. As soon as I did though, I gave a little yelp and darted behind Will. He paused, looking over his shoulder at me. "Who is it?"

"My mother and God only knows who else!" I hissed, pulling my coat around me. "Oh, she's going to be so angry to see me in these."

"She forbade you trousers?"

"Not specifically but I never wore them before now. Imagine if she sees me like this!" I muttered, glancing around his shoulders. There was a familiar family with Mother, a man, two boys and a new child held in her mother's arms. "And the Lightollers?" Mother left them with a tweak to Mavis's blanket as she headed in.

Will gave a laugh, starting off with a renewed vigor. "Lights! Over here!" He waved the hand that wasn't carrying the tree as he called out. "What are you doing here?"

Charles, with a smile so wide that it threatened to split his face, waved at us. "It's only a few days until Christmas, and apparently I'm spending it here." We had gotten closer, and he glanced at me, smirking. "And it appears you've turned her into quite the Amazon, not exactly what I had in mind when I told you to bring her here, but if you prefer it."

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