Before the Storm

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Sophie was content to stay home from the party, although she took a moment to enthuse over my gown when I came down. It was a new one, steel blue chiffon over a darker blue silk and spangled with silver beads. Will had dismissed Louise once he had seen it laid out, insisting that he had to help me dress himself. I hadn't minded, although I had asked Louise to come back and assist me with my hair.

Will was hopeless at that.

So after letting Sophie chatter about the beading pattern, and being assured that the staff would be around to look after Sophie, we had gotten into our carriage and set off. Will had managed to claim the spot next to me, and quirked an eyebrow up at Mother. "Back to the carriage? The car was alright, you know."

She rolled her eyes. "The car was for Sophie, and a hired one at that. Although I am considering purchasing one for here, and you should think about one for your house. Lewis already knows how to drive."

"I should have brought him to give me lessons." I smirked at Will, "Maybe he would have been a better teacher."

"I doubt he would have let you drive into a haystack." He shot back, leading me to chuckle and the both of us having to explain ourselves to Mother. She found the whole misadventure rather funny, although she told me that I should purchase a car and engage Lewis for further lessons in order to improve myself. I agreed, and we passed the rest of the trip to the Vanderbilts discussing which model to purchase. I was in favor of a similar model to the one we had in Southampton, Mother thought an American car would be better. In the end we could not come to an agreement, "Well, we have time to decide. And it's not as if I'll give up the carriage, you know. It's far too familiar."

"Indulgent." Will snorted, "Although I suppose some older things can be held onto."

"Yes, like a certain old husband." I teased, earning myself a pinch. But there was hardly anymore time for teasing as the carriage came to a stop, Will stepping outside to hand us out. He had worn his uniform tonight, with all that it entailed. I had asked him why, when a suit would have been just find, but he had replied that if the Reichsters were going to be in attendance then he wanted to be armed. So he kept one hand on his sword while I took his other arm, rubbing his thumb over the lion's head. I gave his arm a squeeze, "It'll be alright."

"I still don't like them coming." He muttered, nodding to the footmen at the door.

Mother sighed, "We could get away with not inviting them, the Vanderbilts cannot. Everything will be perfectly fine William, you know we'll all keep an eye out." Will grumbled some assent as we entered the massive ballroom, seeing only a few other guests that had arrived before us. The happy couple had not yet made it down, although Oscar was making the rounds. He immediately brightened when he noticed us, coming over immediately. He greeted me first, kissing my hand. Mother grinned as he bowed over her hand, "You'll have to excuse William's behavior tonight, I have a feeling he's going to act as if Henry Reichster is hiding behind every column."

"If he is, I'll flush him out and you can run him through." Oscar joked as he shook Will's hand. "As long as Liz won't mind a little blood on the dance floor."

"It wouldn't be a little." Will remarked, looking out as more guests were arriving. "I'll tend to Ana, I know you have your obligations." Oscar bowed to each of us before leaving, already calling out greetings to the other guests.

I tugged on Will's arm, "Come on, I think we both could use a drink." He begrudgingly walked with me, although we lost Mother along the way as she went off to talk to an acquaintance. I greedily sipped at my punch, "Will, you can't stand there like a statue all night."

In response his hand moved mechanically to the well watered whiskey he had ordered to lift it up for a sip. "I'm not."

"You look like a puppet." I sniggered, and reached over to adjust his lapels. That drew a reaction from him as he looked down to me and raised a brow. "There, much better." I smirked before reaching for my glass again.

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